Returning to Boulogne Sur Mer

Our most recent trip to Northern France saw us stop off in Boulogne Sur Mer en route back to Calais. Having visited when we explored the Opal Coast at the end of last year, it was nice to return so soon albeit minus the blue skies we’d relished last time around. The cobbled Rue de Lille was as splendid as we’d remembered it and we even got to grab a coffee the restaurant our Airbnb host had recommended in 2015.

The Vieille Ville (old town) in Bolougne Sur Mer is by far the most interesting part of the city and where we spent the majority of our time on our last visit. It’s dominated by the belfry and dome of the Basilica which stands tall about the many restaurants and shops. I remember when we saw it last at dusk, lit up like a beacon in what was an almost indigo coloured sky.

The Belfry and town hall were two of the sites we passed before reaching the main square which is currently having a makeover. Typically it showcases temporary exhibitions with the last one we saw garden based. POD had taken great delight in pretending to be Alice in Wonderland while looking in a mirror which pleased passers by no end!

The cobbled streets of the Rue de Lille take you up to the Basilica which is the most prominent landmark of the city. Its dome is some 100 metres high and can be seen from most of the city. The crypt within is said to be the second largest in France with numerous chambers.

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What came as a surprise was how the Rue de Lille looked. Last time we saw brightly coloured ribbons above us whereas now the design was very much focused on large triangles, equally as striking. The view up and down the Rue de Lille really was superb. I can only imagine what it will look like against a bright blue sky. We opted to spend a little time taking it all in before enjoying a rather lovely treat in the Restaurant Le Swan Boulogne. After which it was time to hit the motorway and head back towards Calais and a surprisingly sunny Blighty!

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