Preparing for Year 2 with Marks and Spencer

It’s hard to believe POD starts Year 2 in September. In some ways I wonder where the time has gone as it doesn’t seem five minutes since she joined reception. But so much has happened in that time. She’s grown ALOT for starters, not just in height but in character too.

She finally got offered a place at the local school in January and thankfully settled in quickly. She had a few of her nursery chums in the same year and seeing those familiar faces at lunchtime certainly helped her. She’s made new friends in her class, got to know her teachers and familiarise herself with new processes. Aside from it being a lovely school, the best thing has been not having to drive. POD gets to scoot or walk every day which is great for both of us.

We have no worries about her going into Year 2 although it is going to be tougher what with SAT’s on the horizon. The class has been changed around too so she’ll be with different children come September. She’s joining her nursery chums though which is excellent. Plus she’ll get to see the friends she’s made, who aren’t in the same class, at lunchtime.

The one thing that’s remained consistent is her school uniform. For the third year running, POD will start the new school year with pinafores, polo shirts, shoes and tights from Marks and Spencer. POD is always running around and climbing so it’s a uniform we’ve come to rely on. Her pinafores can last an entire year if she doesn’t grow too much, the quality is excellent and she looks super smart. All of which makes her feel great and that’s what’s important isn’t it.

POD loves the Girls Pinafore Dress with permanent pleats and this pinafore. These come in various colours and are suitable for children aged up to 12. They have stain & weatherproof and crease resistant technology which we so need in this country. The pleats never go either. POD will be seven on Christmas Day (I’ve no idea how that happened either!) and the pinafore dresses shown here are size 7-8. The white polo shirts last ages too. POD wears cotton wherever possible and these are 95% cotton with 5% elastane so they’re comfortable.

POD has her feet measured regularly as all children do. She loves the Marks and Spencer school shoes. They come in a range of styles and prices start at just £22 a pair. They’re leather and easy for her to put on herself as they have a rip tape. They’re also scuff resistant and have Freshfeet™ technology which is a massive plus in our house. Her feet can pong a bit sometimes.

We’re really organised in the Dove household this year, well as far is school is concerned anyway. POD’s branded cardigans (and t-shirts for PE) were ordered weeks ago and they’ve already arrived. She has her uniform now too so all there’s left to do is the labelling – and checking her plimsols still fit! Enjoy the rest of your summer everyone, here’s to a great start back in September.

Disclaimer: This post is in collaboration with Marks & Spencer. Opinions are as always our own. For more information about the Marks & Spencer back to school range for boys and girls, check out their website


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  • Back to school essentials | PODcastPODcast September 3, 2017 at 11:26 am

    […] Being away the last couple of weeks of August meant we got ourselves super organised this year. POD’s branded cardigans and t-shirts for PE arrived at the start of the month and she has a new school uniform and shoes from Marks and Spencer. […]