New beginnings

POD looks so grown-up in her school uniform, almost unrecognisable. Although a week in, seeing her wearing a white polo shirt and branded cardigan catches me by surprise every day. She looks so different to the POD we’re used to who has very firm ideas about what she does and doesn’t wants to wear! Although not five until Christmas Day, she’s attended the same nursery and pre-school since 2011 so it’s hardly a surprise.

Her first day saw her refuse to wear the green branded cardigan but she was alright once she saw everyone else wearing one. It must have been so strange for her to see all the pupils wearing the same uniform.

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The school and the teachers have been great, they remembered POD from her previous visit. She’s a sociable thing though so I’m presuming it would be hard not to! Her teacher recalled she’s allergic to egg too which is a positive sign. Although we have a few question marks, we’ve been really impressed with the staff so far. POD has now risen to fourth on the waiting list for the local school but there is no guidance as to when she might be offered a place. So for now we’ll just go with the flow and see how she gets on. Although we’re biased she’s a bright child so we hope she’s able to flourish where she is.

POD’s not telling us much about her day but it’s early doors. The settling in period lasts a couple of weeks with her first full day another week away yet. School is a huge change for everyone from settling in and understanding what’s what to planning holidays well in advance and out of term time. One things for sure, it gives us a great excuse to make even more of our weekends together.

PODcast IMG_2288 Silent Sunday

Linking up with Running in Lavender for #MyCapturedMoment 

Running in Lavender

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  • Heledd - Running in Lavender September 13, 2015 at 11:57 pm

    First of all that last shot of POD is just stunning!! She has a beautiful cheeky look in her eye and her personality just shines through. Secondly, your POD sounds just like my Poppy, who’s also very picky about what she will or will not wear. She started pre-school last week and really didn’t want to wear the blue (which is ‘for boys’) polo shirt.

    Also, I remember this time last year Lili wouldn’t share much about her day either – but now she’s much more giving and even remembers what she had for lunch – progress!! ; )

    Thank you for linking up to #MyCapturedMoment xxx