Design your own Love Heart

The sweet shop I visited as a child always seemed so large. I imagined it was owned by Willy Wonka but run by his Father. You’d always be on your best behaviour only stepping forward when you knew what you wanted from the jars lining the walls above.

While your sweets were being weighed and the corners of your little white bag twisted, you’d scan the shelves looking for what you could spend your remaining 10p on. It was usually a choice between Love Hearts, a Refresher or a Drumstick. Love Hearts were often the preferred choice as they could be shared.

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As you’d expect a lot has changed since the Eighties. Though the well-known sweets remain, the range includes brand extensions such as Refresher Squashies, Drumstick Squashies, Double Lollies Squashies and Love Hearts Squashies.

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These are jelly-like variations of the favourites and taste just as good. In our house the Refresher Squashies were first to go, closely followed by the Love Hearts and the Drumsticks. Some things never change!

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Swizzels Matlow, the company that makes these iconic British sweets, are celebrating 60 years of Love Hearts and recently launched a competition to mark the occasion.

It is offering fans the opportunity to design their own Love Heart. Ten lucky winners will get the chance to visit the factory and see their own Love Heart being made ahead of its inclusion in packs across the UK.

Head over to the Love Hearts website or Facebook page to enter the competition.

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Disclaimer: We received product samples for the purpose of this post. Opinions are our own. 



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  • Mammasaurus May 28, 2014 at 1:17 pm

    Kitty and Ozzy go mad for Love Hearts – I particularly love how some of the ‘slogans’ on them haven’t changed in 20 years! Shy Guy!