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MAD Blog Awards Finalist – Photography

Given PODcast only launched in January last year, it’s hard to explain how thrilled I am to be a MAD Blog Awards Finalist. Especially in the Best Blog Photography category. But thrilled I am – over the moon in fact.

THANK YOU, thank you, thank you to everyone that nominated.

As parents it’s not difficult to find excuses to take photographs of our children. We want to remember all occasions like they happened yesterday.


We want to capture the special moments so they stay with us forever. Whether it’s a feeling, an emotion or something that happened for the first time.

Like testing a new swing,


blowing a dandelion clock,


or licking a lolly.


We might just want to remember that impromptu lie down because she didn’t know you were there.


As well as the moments, we enjoy storytelling. We like to share our adventures so you can picture yourself there too.

Whether a boathouse and the wooded valley at Winkworth Arboretum,

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the Devils Punch Bowl with its incredible views, fascinating history and wild horses.

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or spotting exotic butterflies in a state-of-the art Glasshouse.

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As well as keeping a record of our adventures, I love to photograph the detail in the every day. Capturing the magic? I don’t know but it’s very exciting, a bit like butterflies in your tummy. 

It’s what makes me lie in the mud waiting for a ladybird to scale a blade of grass.

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It’s what makes me to walk to nursery when it’s cold and foggy.

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It’s what makes me capture water droplets when it’s pouring with rain.

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It’s what makes me photograph a leaf to show you how delicate it is.

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It’s what makes me kneel on the gravel so I can get under a flower.

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And it’s what makes me lie under a tree even though I know I’m being watched. But I love every single minute.

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Spring at Polesden Lacey

Polesden Lacey was chosen by Mrs Grenville, an ambitious Edwardian hostess, as the ideal place for entertaining. Owned by the National Trust, the property is surrounded by breathtaking views of the Surrey Hills.

It’s the perfect place to have a picnic in the warmer months. Or you can just grab one of the comfy chairs and admire the landscape around you. You can see why Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, had her honeymoon here.

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The house is adorned with beautiful flowers including this sweet smelling honeysuckle. The tulips along the South Terrace add a splash of colour – so great to see those brights back again!

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Once you’ve taken in the views from the South Lawn, it’s time to explore. If you’re lucky you might see a pheasant. Not for long though, they’re speedy little fellas – even if you walk really quietly!

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The Sunken Garden and Rock Garden is a sight to behold. It’s a wonderful area where you’ll find all kinds of alpine treats

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and unexpected treats like these beautiful cowslips.

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Over from the croquet lawn, you will see the herbaceous border.

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The garden team are currently in the midst of a project to mirror the existing border on the other side of the wall.

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After admiring the Frameyard and Bridge, if you pay a visit to the Winter Garden you’ll find these beauties

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and many plants and flowers. There are 20 varieties of snowdrop at Polesden Lacey.

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The Cutting Garden and Orchard is especially interesting – particularly the display of gardening artifacts and advertisements from a hundred years ago. It’s not long before you’re enticed into the Rose Garden by these fabulous gates though – I’m a sucker for a walled garden too!

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This part of the garden is great to visit whatever the time of year. Now Spring is here, it’s a joy to see new life popping up everywhere. Just look at these pansies!

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If you came out of the garden here and looked left you’ll see those breathtaking views of the Surrey Hills.

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I stayed put in the Rose Garden and saw a fuzzy friend looking for treats

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as well as this flower that almost looks like it has two tiny apples inside it!

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Mrs Grenville transformed Polesden Lacey into the perfect setting to host her lavish parties. A visit inside the house will provide a true sense of this as you get to find out what she was like. We’ll be doing that next time we visit.

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Admirals Walk almost took my breath away, I may have actually gasped! This pathway down to the woodland on the estate really has to be seen to be believed. Spring has most definitely sprung at Polesden Lacey!

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A sunny walk at Sheepleas

Located within the Surrey Hills Area of Natural Outstanding Beauty is the wonderful Sheepleas. Managed by the Surrey Wildlife Trust, this site of Special Scientific Interest is a mosiac of woodland and grasslands and a haven for wildlife.

It was wonderful to wear Summer clothes and feel the warmth of the sun on our skin. POD ran through the woodland like a little fairy shouting “come on Mummy and Daddy”. She had a renewed sense of freedom and a spring in her step – perhaps because she was without her coat, hat and wellies.

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The name ‘Sheepleas’ is a pointer to its centuries-old use as sheep-grazed meadows or ‘leas’, supporting the local wool industry. The Cowslip Meadow is a well-known Spring phenomenon with visitors coming from far and wide in April and May. Last year this meadow was crowned Surrey’s ‘Coronation Meadow’ – a project created by HRH Prince of Wales to select a wildflower meadow in each county of the UK.

Although the Cowslip Meadow is a sight I’d love to see, today’s walk was a leisurely affair. We just followed the pathways, took in the sunshine and said many times we couldn’t believe how warm it was. It must have been almost twenty degrees that day.

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The picnic area provided a great space for her to run around although she stopped occasionally to take in the butterflies and birds overhead. There was much chasing too and she quickly realised Mummy and Daddy can’t run in circles quite as fast as she could!

POD made a beeline for a bench when she got something in her shoe, in turn presenting the most idyllic scene. 

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After more running around, POD made her way to another bench where she sat and pondered. It wasn’t long before all three of us where trying to squish ourselves on this tiny bench and much hilarity ensued as a result!

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As we were leaving the picnic area, the strangest thing happened. POD climbed on a bench for an impromptu lie down. She didn’t even notice I was there with my camera, capturing what was a really wonderful moment.

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No walk would be complete without sticks. POD threw this one to a passing dog but he wasn’t interested in playing so she reclaimed it!

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Walking back to the car, it was hard to believe the sky was as blue as it was. Just beautiful.

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Linking up with Country Kids at Coombe Mill , Brilliant Blog Posts at Honest Mum and What’s The Story? here on PODcast.

A garden update

After discovering the Alpines at RHS Wisley last week, it seemed a good time to share photographs from the Dove garden.

Although it’s in desperate need of some attention at the moment there are signs of Spring everywhere. The unkempt beds have seen flowers start to bloom and the bushes in need of a pruning are sprouting with life.

We’ve seen a few crocuses this year and this was the last man standing. Beautiful flowers, such a joy to photograph with all their purple veins.

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To date there has only been one daffodil in the garden but there are buds everywhere. I hope over the next week or so we’ll start to see that yellow carpet appear.

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We’ve seen a huge rise in insects over the past week or so – butterflies and ladybirds especially have all come out from hiding.

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The wonderful Magnolia tree seems to have completely flowered in the space of two weeks. It looks glorious against a bright blue sky.

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The inside of each flower almost looks like it’s made from strips of streaky bacon!

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When the opportunity arises it’s been great to capture dewy webs. Although the photograph I took last week was better, this one came out well. I just love how the water droplets look like miniature crystals. It just shows how clever spiders are too.

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There is a huge bush of these yellow flowers, they look great – especially when you’re looking skyward.

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Finally whilst taking a photograph of our flowering lavender, I spotted two metallic looking beetles. On doing some research, it seems they’re Rosemary Beetles which originate from Southern Europe. They devour rosemary, lavender, thyme and sage leaves so they’ll be removed from our herb garden at the first available opportunity!

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Linking up with #HDYGG with Mammasaurus.

Plymouth tot named Butlins (High)Chairman

Three year old Sophia Jade Carr of Plymouth has been chosen from over 600 applicants to sit on the Butlins Board of Directors as she is named the official Butlins (High)Chairman. 

Miss Carr has been recruited by Butlins to road test their Just for Tots holidays range. Butlins are keen to ensure the long-term success of the breaks, with 70% of guests already booked on to the 4-night term time breaks who have never been to any of the three Butlins resorts before.

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Launching in April, Just for Tots are the little breaks with big adventures, where everything from the accommodation and food right through to the entertainment and activities have been designed solely with younger children in mind.

Miss Carr will be accountable for working up a number of recommendations for the breaks based on her experience, which will be implemented across all breaks moving forward to ensure Just for Tots breaks are curated by tots for tots. 

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The (High)Chairman will hit the ground running in her role, set to put star acts such as Thomas & Friends™ and Angelina Ballerina™ through their paces, whilst trying out Annabel Karmel’s new range of tot-friendly dishes.

Miss Carr will also be closely monitoring a number of key operations and putting them through a vigorous testing process that includes bounciness of the beds, cuddliness of the characters, splashiness of the water and slipperiness of the slides.

Chosen due to her leadership skills amongst her peers, often being described as ‘demanding’ and ‘strong-willed’ by co-workers (parents), Miss Carr’s résumé showcased her impressive capability to be both professional and fun.  Miss Carr has the ability to laugh every minute and giggle endlessly, which will stand her in good stead when reviewing Butlins star acts.

Further evidence that Miss Carr is the perfect candidate is her extensive experience within the hospitality industry, having first-hand knowledge of the UK’s top attractions.

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Of the new vacancy, Butlins MD Dermot King said: “We can’t wait for Sophia to join the team and shape the future of our Just for Tots breaks.  Miss Carr has a skill set that will enable her to review and shape the future of our breaks with her ability to multi-task. We are sure that Miss Carr will add a different dimension to the board of directors and have a key role in creating our Just for Tots breaks.”

For more information on the Butlins ‘Just for Tots’ breaks please visit their website.

Disclaimer: This post is in association with our role as official ambassador to Butlins. 

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A taste of adventure

The POD Father and I were both well traveled before we met. I spent two years living and working in Australia in my twenties whilst my husband went back-packing around SE Asia, Australia, New Zealand and Fiji around the same time. He also went on holiday to Lebanon and Syria in 2002 – sadly not a trip you could repeat today.

Our holidays together were very much a combination of adventure and activity. We enjoyed some fantastic trips close to home and as far afield as New Zealand.

South America had been on our list of must visit places for a while when we took a holiday to Venezuela. The purpose of the trip was to see Angel Falls, the highest waterfall in the world and only accessible by boat and then a hike through the jungle.

Whilst in Canaima National Park, we also walked behind the waterfall (top right) thought to be the one featured in Last of the Mohicans.

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When we visited New Zealand for a friend’s wedding we took the opportunity to experience one of the World’s top day walks – The Tongariro Crossing. It did practically finish us off though.

After three days of wedding celebrations we weren’t particularly well prepared for the 19km walk through three active volcanoes! The Devil’s Staircase broke me although the Emerald Lakes were breathtaking.

PODcast - The Tongariro Crossing editNowadays our adventures are much closer to home. As a family we have the best time exploring new places and re-discovering the old. It’s not to say there aren’t adventures to be had further afield at some point in the future!

Linking up with The Gallery at Sticky Fingers. The prompt this week is adventure.

Sticky Fingers Photo Gallery

Capturing the scene

Now POD’s three she’ll often tell you what she’s doing and what she’s about to do. Unless you ask her what she did at nursery and her response will always be “nothing”.

POD loves to be outdoors and this woodland walk should have been no different. But it was. Perhaps it was that renewed sense of freedom.

Gone was the coat, the hat and the wellies, replaced with a dress that blew behind her as she ran. Her beloved muddy puddles had gone but there were sticks aplenty. For a time it was just us, wandering along the grass lined paths with the blue sky above and the sun beaming down.

When we reached a wide open space POD stopped on a bench surrounded by knobbly trees. She said she had a stone in her shoe.

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Once back together, POD ran to another bench shouting “come on”, waving her arm as she went. She was convinced she was too far away to be photographed. But she wasn’t and a thoughtful looking POD was captured in the process.

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She probably wasn’t thinking much but she looks like she’s pondering something. Unless she was just taking in her surroundings and enjoying the glorious sunshine.

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It wasn’t long before she was off again, running round in circles, only stopping to watch the occasional butterfly. When she climbed onto another bench for an impromptu lie down, she didn’t notice I was there with my camera.

What a truly wonderful scene to capture.

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Linking up with #LivingArrows at I Heart Snapping, #MagicMoments at The Oliver’s Madhouse and #AllTheSmallThings at Mummy Never Sleeps.

Fakenham Racecourse

This photograph always makes me laugh. Taken at Fakenham Racecourse in 2010, it’s a superb example of why you shouldn’t pull a face when there’s a camera on you. Lovely smiles from my mother and father-in-law with me acting the giddy goat!

We were at this racecourse for the Point-to-Point event which is amateur horseracing over fences with thoroughbred horses. It promised to be a great day out.

It really was too. We had the odd flutter and jumped for joy when the horse we’d placed a bet on crossed the line first. Luck was on my side that day as I scored a hat-trick!

Like many others, we enjoyed lunch in the Fakenham Racecourse car park. With the car acting as a wind shield, we enjoyed a wonderful picnic. Today wasn’t the day the cold was going to dampen our spirits!

What makes this photograph special, and may explain the facial expression, is that we were pregnant. We’d found out just over a week before it was taken. No-one else knew.

POD arrived exactly nine months after our visit to Fakenham Racecourse, on 25th December 2010.

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Linking up with What’s The Story? here on PODcast. Click here to view the Linky for w/c 17th March 2014.

Discovering the Alpines at Wisley

Every now and again it’s nice to escape with nothing but your camera. We’re lucky RHS Wisley is so close, its a beautiful place for a walk whatever the time of year.

This photograph was taken looking back at the house, to the left is the canal and loggia and to the right the grassy slopes were littered with daffodils and crocuses. In a couple of months the bridge you see before you will be covered in Wisteria. The Spring smells are already divine.

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The Rock Garden offers a wide range of plants from around the World and waterfalls a plenty. Today provided the opportunity to explore the rocky steps and discover new things although the area is buggy accessible in parts.

At one point I found some steps leading upwards, I followed them and it led up to a meadow bursting with daffodils on the cusp of blooming. What a sight that will be!

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Above the Rock Garden are the Alpine Houses and the Centenary Crevice Garden. Having not investigated this area before, it was like discovering a secret garden. Hundreds of plants grew in nooks and crannies.

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From fuzzy flowers

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and spiky succulents

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to colourful mixes set in slate and stone.

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The display houses showcase an array of alpine gems

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including a stunning collection of colourful flowers.

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Even one of our fuzzy friends made an appearance – the first of the year!

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Outside there were more delights to be found

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and a very different view of the Glasshouse – it really is immense. The butterflies in the Glasshouse event was held in the tropical zone there. 

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Having made the most of the Alpine Garden and the Rock Garden, there was time for an amble round The Wild Garden.

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I was so quiet taking this photograph as there was a couple feeding a Robin behind me.

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Then boom! Nothing shouts sunshine and happiness more than daffodils – these ones almost took your breath away.

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Linking up with Mammasaurus for #HDYGG.

Winter #OneWeek

This Winter will be remembered for the storms. We count ourselves very lucky that our damage has been minor compared to many. We just lost a fence. This is POD peering through it the week before it came down.

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POD would have loved to play in the snow and build a snowman but we’ve not seen a flake! We’ve barely had any frost either – weirdly I captured this mossy clump and a ladybird in the same week!

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This Winter has very much been about dodging the rain clouds in the quest for country air. I’ve loved photographing rain drops though it must be said!

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After capturing what was a wonderful Autumn, the early part of the Winter saw us take a short trip to Bruges. We traveled on Eurotunnel so we could drive from Calais. Bruges is a beautiful city full of medieval buildings and cobbled streets with Christmas markets offering the likes of Bratwurst and of course Glühwein.

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We also got to see the Snow and Ice sculpture festival based on Disney’s film Frozen while we were there. Amazing but very cold at -6 degrees!

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Back in the UK there were interesting festive displays


and lots of outdoor fun to be had. POD loved mucking around on this visit to Wisley!

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At Claremont, there were many giggles in the aptly named ‘Ha-ha’ when we embarked on the Twelve days of Christmas trail!

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Having previously discovered the follies of Painshill Park, we were back to see Father Christmas in the crystal grotto. POD had not seen the big man before so it was a great introduction.

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POD has loved all the muddy puddles this Winter. The photograph below was taken at Alice Holt, a local forest where the sun made an appearance shortly after we arrived.

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We’ve explored varied landscapes too, like the Majestic Commons which had some of the oldest trees I’ve ever seen. We had to make a run for it when the heavens opened!

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We’ve seen trees down too which is sad to see. The bollards in the background of this photograph from our visit to Bookham Commons a stark reminder.

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When time was short, we’ve been lucky there is so much nearby – like Clandon Park. This is POD relaxing having completed the Wildlife Fact Finding Trail there.


Events such as the Butterflies in The Glasshouse at Wisley made you forget it was Winter with its tropical temperatures.


But the rain was never far away! You’d never know from this photograph how much rain we saw on our visit to Bocketts Farm although we were safely inside stroking animals then!

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When the sun has appeared, we’ve darted out of the house at great speed to make the most of it. Abinger Roughs was a great walk with POD enjoying many a puddle – another time we reached the car just in time!

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On occasions Winter has been like Spring. This photograph of the boathouse at Winkworth Arboretum was taken last month. It was glorious – we even saw snowdrops and daffodils!


So Winter for us has been about making the most of the outdoors in an attempt to blow away those cobwebs. Although there were weekends when it was impossible to do anything, we’ve managed to make the most of it.

We’re linking this Winter post up with Older Mum for seasonal linky #OneWeek and #PoCoLo at Verily Victoria Vocalises.

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