Wot So Funee? “I made a mess”

Truth be told I didn’t think there would be anything humorous to share this week. POD has chicken pox and as such has relinquished her usual sparkly charm with an endless stream of “no’s” and stroppy teenage like behaviour. You can understand her frustration, she’s covered in painful looking spots and she’s not been allowed out.

POD & sudocrem 2She rarely sleeps during the day but we thought today might be an exception as she was exhausted. After an initial protest, you could hear the sound of her happily entertaining herself with her toys.

Since she learnt how to scale the bars of her cot like an Olympic gymnast, and we had to take them down, playing is inevitable. With luck though, she gets sleepy and carts herself off to bed, protected by a door gate that keeps her safe. When it went quiet I didn’t think anything of it. I was delighted we’d been successful in our quest for POD to have a daytime nap.

Then came a little voice through the monitor “Daddy I’ve done a poo”. The POD Father made his way up the POD & sudocremstairs expecting to tackle a nappy, instead he was met by bottom cream carnage. POD had pulled down the change mat and in doing so grabbed herself a large tub of Sudocrem.

The POD Father: “Who did this?” POD: “I did, I made a mess”. Well at least she’s honest. Sudocrem was everywhere. And when I say everywhere I mean EVERYWHERE!!!

The gate. The door. The wardrobe. The carpet. Her face. Her jeans. Her feet. Her hands. Her bed. And one of her ‘babies’ had been de-clothed and mercilessly splattered.

IMG_8709Our only option was to strip POD and give her an early bath, followed by a monumental clean up operation. As Sudocrem is designed not to be water soluble this was no mean feat. Although mostly a success, her carpet will be a constant reminder for some time to come and her baby’s eye sockets will never be the same again.

The entire house now smells of Sudocrem, but of course it’s an odour we’re familiar with so we can live with that. Given there’s a Nappy Disposal Tub full of dirty nappies next to the change mat we’re counting our blessings!

If you’d like to join in with ‘Wot So Funee?’ then head over to Actually Mummy to find out what it’s all about.







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  • Actually Mummy... February 15, 2013 at 5:03 pm

    Oh my God!!!! I know someone else who’s child painted a suitcase with Sudocrem. What on earth is the fixation about?? Must have taken ages to get out!

    • Charly Dove February 15, 2013 at 5:25 pm

      It was utter carnage but strangely rather amusing! Poor thing was, initially at least, trying to cream her chicken pox spots! The clean up took ages! Oh well could have been worse 🙂

      • Roberto March 19, 2013 at 3:41 am

        February 16, 2013 2:47 pmWhat a funny story, thank you for sharing. I’m so grtufeal POD didn’t get hold of the nappy bin or ketchup for that matter! It was such a dreadful scene, it was actually quite comical! Still have some work to do on the carpet though

  • Countryidyll February 16, 2013 at 10:10 am

    Oh my goodness, poor you, what a mess. Sorry, but had to chuckle. When I was little, one Monday when we had a clean table cloth and napkins on the table ready for lunch, I ‘polished’ all the furniture with a clean napkin, using… wait for it…. tomato ketchup! Fortunately, or not, the chairs were leather, so not such a problem as material would have been! Just helping mummy was my reply!

    • Charly Dove February 16, 2013 at 2:47 pm

      What a funny story, thank you for sharing. I’m so grateful POD didn’t get hold of the nappy bin – or ketchup for that matter! It was such a dreadful scene, it was actually quite comical! Still have some work to do on the carpet though 🙂

      • Judith March 19, 2013 at 2:01 am

        February 16, 2013 10:10 amOh my goodness, poor you, what a mess. Sorry, but had to cuckhle. When I was little, one Monday when we had a clean table cloth and napkins on the table ready for lunch, I polished’ all the furniture with a clean napkin, using wait for it . tomato ketchup! Fortunately, or not, the chairs were leather, so not such a problem as material would have been! Just helping mummy was my reply!

  • The Beesley Buzz March 20, 2013 at 7:43 pm

    oh dear – i don’t know whether to laugh or cry!!! this is so funny but at the same time i so feel for you doing the clean up operation. xxx

  • Michelle Twin Mum July 1, 2013 at 10:00 pm

    I’m not really supposed to laugh but yes we have had the sudocream everywhere too and also Metanium! nice Mich x

    • Charly Dove July 1, 2013 at 10:36 pm

      All you can do is laugh in these situations – after you’ve created some kind of normality. We’ve since had another Sudocrem incident. All creams are now put on the top of the wardrobe 🙂

  • 3yearsandhome July 4, 2013 at 11:32 am

    My toddler gave himself a Sudocrem face mask once. It was everywhere! And how hard is that stuff to get off everything??!

    • Charly Dove July 4, 2013 at 6:20 pm

      That’s hilarious although not for you obviously! I love Sudocrem but it’s impossible to get off anything else – water soluble 🙂