A Winter walk at Painshill Park

We’re lucky there’s no shortage of places to visit in Surrey. One of those is the grade I listed Painshill Park – a magical wonderland perfect for stimulating the senses. It’s home to a magnificent collection of follies, including an extraordinary stalactite Grotto, and it’s a great place to unwind.

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You can feel that sense of calm almost immediately as the lake is just a short walk from the entrance of this landscaped garden. Much to POD’s delight it’s alive with wildlife including ducks, swans and birds. Even in Winter the vineyard looks pretty special although I do love the sight of the red veined leaves and the grapes when they arrive.

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Being outdoors and breathing in that fresh country air does wonders for blowing away those cobwebs. POD had a little bread for the ducks, much to the delight of the local swans that followed us for a short time.

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There’s something rather splendid about Painshill. It’s not just those mystical follies either, the landscape is just exquisite. We’d arrived early in the morning just after the mist was beginning to lift. If it wasn’t for POD, you’d barely be able to hear a pin drop.

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Painshill Park is set in 158 acres so there really is something for everyone. Although we’ve visited many times, it was great on this occasion just to amble around the lake checking out the ruined abbey, crystal grotto, turkish tent, five arch bridge and gothic temple as we went. Along with a couple of fishermen – one of whom was having a cheeky doze in his tent!

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Watching the wildlife really was a highlight, it was almost as if they had the whole of Painshill Park to themselves.

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The crystal grotto is the latest 18th century folly to be restored by the Heritage Lottery Fund. It re-opened last year and we’ve been to see it a few times – even meeting Father Christmas there last year. It’s only open at specific times but well worth a visit, it really is incredible inside.

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The brilliance of Painshill Park is down to the artistic vision of the Honourable Charles Hamilton. He wanted a tranquil landscape setting enriched with follies, water, trees, shrubberies and a vineyard. That’s what makes it a great place for a wander, even if it is the middle of Winter.

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Linking up with #whatsthestory here on PODcast.

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  • Coombemill January 26, 2015 at 12:09 am

    It does look very beautiful at all times of year, I love the quiet you describe, it sounds so peaceful there. Is that the same lovely coat that seems to grow with POD or has she got another one this year? It looks so beautiful on her.

  • Sara (@mumturnedmom) January 26, 2015 at 12:33 am

    It really does always look so beautiful there in your posts. Looks like POD is enjoying the lake this time x

  • Louisa January 26, 2015 at 10:46 am

    What an absolutely stunning place. I am surprised that there is a vineyard, they must be very hardy grapes to thrive in our weather! 🙂

  • Merlinda Little (@pixiedusk) January 26, 2015 at 1:44 pm

    Lovely place. I am so in love with the bridges. It is really calming and you just want to sit and read a book or meditate here! #whatsthestory

  • Californian Mum in London January 26, 2015 at 2:25 pm

    It looks so beautiful. It doesn’t look like you’ve been in January, it’s been such a mild winter that the grass is so green. My daughter had a school trip there last year but we hope to have a family visit there soon!

  • LauraCYMFT January 26, 2015 at 8:16 pm

    It looks like such a gorgeous place to visit. Bet it looks amazing in Summer.

  • bettyl - NZ January 28, 2015 at 1:25 am

    Even in the cold this is a charming place.

  • Bloggermummylauren January 29, 2015 at 9:17 am

    It looks absolutely beautiful there. You are right about a nice walk at this time of year blowing away the cobwebs. If only the rest of my family enjoyed walks as much as I do!