What’s The Story? | 5th May 2014

Hello everyone, welcome to What’s The Story? for w/c 5th May 2014. As always so many wonderful posts to read, it’s great that there’s such diversity each week, thank you for joining in.

Thank you too to those of you that nominated me in the BiB Awards, I’m delighted to be shortlisted in the photography category. You can vote to get your faves into the finals here.

There are three new photography projects kicking off on PODcast this month. The Alphabet Photography Project is first to launch on 13th May 2014, this will be a Linky if you fancy joining in.

If you’re new to What’s The Story? it’s a photography based Linky which enables you to share the stories behind your photographs. It’s open from 6.30am every Monday through to the following Sunday.

To join in all you have to do is share a photograph and the story behind it. You can write as little or much as you like and your photo/s can be from any time – old or new. You can link up a old post too if it’s relevant.

Feel free to use the What’s The Story? badge or include a link to PODcast in your post – I’m happy to share it in return. Please do take the time to comment on some of your fellow bloggers posts when you can. It’s always worthwhile checking back later in the week too.

There’s a #whatsthestory community on Google Plus so do pop over if you haven’t already. All posts are being shared there each week now. You can find me at Charly Dove or PODcast.

Have a great week everyone #whatsthestory

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  • Jeannette @autismmumma May 5, 2014 at 8:03 am

    All linked up, exciting stuff about the new projects and congrats on the BiBs. Thanks for hosting x

  • Notmyyearoff May 5, 2014 at 12:58 pm

    Finally linked up 🙂 Hope you’re having a lovely bank holiday!

  • Mummy's Got Style May 6, 2014 at 7:41 am

    Yay! Linked up x

  • Hellie's Corner May 7, 2014 at 7:44 am

    Well done and well deserved good luck for the final. Great photo, the power coming over that waterfall must be immense.

  • Two magical words….Child-free! | Super Busy Mum August 26, 2014 at 9:09 am

    […] The weekend that just passed, something amazing happened. We had a birthday to celebrate, Sean {Darling man} and I got out CHILD-FREE! You may have seen us grinning like Cheshire cats over on my instagram but it was fabulous and weird all at the same time. I took no bags, no bedtime bunny, so back up dummys, as I didn’t have too {weird feeling!}. So to be completely Mum-mode free I took nothing but my bank card and my phone. Sitting in the taxi on our way into Belfast, feeling very naughty! Like…what we were doing was so out of character for us that it made the night more exciting! We met up with friends, did a pub crawl, saw the City Hall all lit up pink for Breast Cancer {fabulous!} and we had such good craic! Here’s a few photos. {excuse the red eye in the pics, silly phone! haha!} We had such a great night with friends and even ended that bad boy {albeit knackered!} with a big dirty kebab! {Has to be done, right?}. Even though being out was amazing and something we’re certainly not going to wait another year and a half to do, but I have to admit…this Mama Bear missed not being close to her babies.  I’ve linked this up with #MagicMoments so pop over to see more birthday celebrations with family with #Whatsthestory. […]