What’s The Story? | 3rd August 2015

Hello everyone, welcome to What’s The Story for w/c 3rd August. I hope those of you on Summer Holidays are having the most amazing time. POD doesn’t start school until September but she finished nursery/pre-school on Friday which is very weird after three and a half years!

This week’s #whatsthestory post is all about her un-birthday party although it might be a little late up. POD’s birthday is on Christmas Day so we decided to invite some of her pre-school chums over to celebrate with her before they all go off to school.

How to join in

What’s The Story? enables you to share the stories behind your favourite photographs. To join in all you have to do is share a photograph and the story behind it. You can write as little or much as you like and your photo/s can be from any time. The Linky is open every Monday until the following Sunday.

Feel free to use the What’s The Story? badge or include a link to PODcast in your post and do share some comment love too. There’s a community on Google Plus so do pop over if you haven’t already. We’re at Charly Dove or PODcast.

Please feel free to tweet me your posts whenever you like and I’ll share them for you throughout the week.

Grab the badge!

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  • Steph @MisplacedBrit August 3, 2015 at 11:33 am

    Thanks for hosting 😀

    WOW! Just caught a glimpse of your Pinterest travel destination board! YES PLEASE!

  • All about a Mummy August 3, 2015 at 2:57 pm

    A Christmas Day baby! How wonderful! I know quite a few Christmas Day babies so she is in good company 🙂

  • Claire August 3, 2015 at 6:27 pm

    Hi, I linked up early this morning and have just returned to comment on some other links but I can’t find the linky… I’m so sorry if I’m just being thick! I’ll look again later!

  • Polly @ Our Seaside Baby August 3, 2015 at 10:14 pm

    My first time linking up (I think). A great linky. Aww, it must be weird saying goodbye to her nursery! I bet she will be excited to start school though. Thanks for hosting. I also have a linky going this month #MyAugustPhoto. I am posting a photo a day throughout August & the linky is open for anyone who wants to share their photographs throughout August. Pop over if you fancy it 🙂
    P.S. The little girl of my school friend shares the exact birthday with POD!