What’s The Story? | 22nd December 2014

Happy Christmas everybody! I hope you’re all looking forward to the forthcoming festivities and a break from the usual routine. We have POD’s fourth birthday on Christmas Day too so it’s going to be mayhem!

Apologies there was no #whatsthestory Linky last week. The business site and the blog suffered a malware attack so it took a few days to get everything hunky dory again. You’re more than welcome to link up last week’s posts in addition to this weeks if you wish.

Our #whatsthestory post is full of pretty photographs from the beautiful Newlands Corner in the North Downs. It’s such a wonderful place to visit and the views across the Surrey Hills are just incredible.

How to join in

What’s The Story? is a photography based Linky which enables you to share the stories behind your favourite photographs. To join in all you have to do is share a photograph and the story behind it. You can write as little or much as you like and your photo/s can be from any time. The Linky is open every Monday until the following Sunday.

Feel free to use the What’s The Story? badge or include a link to PODcast in your post and do share some comment love too. There’s a community on Google Plus so do pop over if you haven’t already. We’re at Charly Dove or PODcast.

Have an awesome Christmas everyone #whatsthestory.

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  • You Baby Me Mummy December 22, 2014 at 7:36 am

    I am so glad that you got everything back up. I can only imagine how stressful that must have been. Have a wonderful Christmas x

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