Walkers Mighty Lights review

We all enjoy crisps but there’s something about the ridged ones that makes them so much more interesting. They’re definitely my favourite. More often than not ridged crisps are left on the shelf though in preference for the varieties that typically contain less fat.

I was delighted to hear about Walkers Mighty Lights – ridged crisps that contain 30% less fat. They’re available in three flavours – Roast Chicken, Cheese and Onion and Lightly Salted.

So what did the Doves think of them?

First off Mighty Lights have the same strong branding we’ve come to expect from Walkers. We found the packaging appealing even with the 30% less fat flag. I say this because I usually find products with a lower fat content compromise on taste and texture.

The crisps are a great pack size, perfect for lunch boxes and family days out. It’s not to say they cant be eaten out of the bag too! Our toddler (POD) likes crisps, she calls them “cripps”. Requests for more are often accompanied with a pincer movement as if she’s putting her hand in a bag to take some!

Walkers Mighty Lights smell as they should – like regular crisps. They also look good, ridged with sprinkles of flavour on each crisp. They are tasty, rather moreish in fact, and crunchy when you bite them.

We were pleasantly surprised with how good they were. Lots of “Mmmm” noises were followed by “Mmmm…they’re really good” once we’d finished our mouthful.

All three variants are flavoursome. As Cheese and Onion fans, these were our favourite although they were closely followed by Roast Chicken. I’ve not had salted crisps for some time but the Lightly Salted variant was surprisingly good too. You didn’t feel cheated as can be the case with plainer crisps.

As well as containing 30% less fat, Walkers Mighty Lights are made from real potatoes so they’re a good source of fibre. They contain no artificial colours, preservatives or MSG. They’re also suitable for vegetarians.

POD’s response to trying Walkers Mighty Lights was an outstretched hand and a request for “more cripps please Mummy”. She then ran off with the packet and hid behind a curtain!

Walkers Mighty Lights are available in shops nationwide which is just as well given we’ve devoured most of ours!

Disclaimer: We received three multi-packs of Walkers Mighty Lights in all three flavours for the purpose of this review. All opinions are my own. 

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