Volvic Touch of Fruit #RevealYourFlavour

If you’ve spent any time on our travel blog, you’ll know we’re adventurous types. Our trip to South America before POD came along was certainly one of the most memorable. We spent ten days travelling round Venezuela – three of which in the jungle.

The start of this trip saw us changing money in a Caracas car park and staying in a hotel with armed guards before arriving in Canaima National Park. There we got to walk behind some of the country’s largest waterfalls including Sapo Falls from Last of the Mohicans fame. Terrifying and exhilarating in equal measure. We were well looked after by Pemón Indians during our stay in the Venezuelan jungle – great shelter, delicious food and wonderful company. Our trip to the incredible Angel Falls took 4-5 hours in a curiara and the view of the world’s highest uninterrupted waterfall really was something else.

PODcast Venezuela


Despite travelling round South America, and completing the the 20k Tongariro Crossing in New Zealand, my big reveal is a weird one – Koumpounophobia! Even Steve Jobs was reported as having a ‘fear of buttons’ just as I do. Let’s just get one thing straight though, I’m not scared of buttons like a person might be a spider nor do I refuse to wear clothes with buttons. I just don’t like large buttons, especially if they’re made of plastic, or clusters of little ones. Don’t even think of getting a box of loose buttons anywhere near me, it’s not going to happen. And if you’re wondering, all the spare buttons in our house are still in the little plastic bags they came in. Yes I know, I did saw it was a weird one!

So with my shame over, Volvic Touch of Fruit is asking you to #RevealYourFlavour. On social media and on their website as part of a new campaign. Winning revelations will be featured in future activity.

Available in strawberry, lemon and lime, summer fruits, orange and peach, cherry and tropical flavours, there are also sugar-free variants and sparkling options too. Our favourite Volvic Touch of Fruit flavour is summer fruit although it was closely followed by strawberry and orange. Here’s five year old POD doing a superb job of being me while I’m full of cold – and of course pretending to be a popstar wannabe!

PODcast Volvic collage

Tom Daley makes a surprising revelation! 

Even Olympic diver Tom Daley has shared his somewhat surprising revelation! You may find this hard to believe but he’s not a natural water baby – check out the revelation film below to find out more. You can also check out his Facebook here.

This post is in collaboration with Volvic Touch of Fruit as part of their #RevealYourFlavour campaign. For more information, check out their website

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