Thinking slimmer with Slimpod

When I first heard about Slimpod, I had a wonderful image of a pod (a bit like a spray tan booth) that instantly made you slim. Wouldn’t that be brilliant! Sadly the real world isn’t like that and I have to lose weight and get my fitness levels back to what they were. During pregnancy, I ate really healthily, replacing my love for wine and coffee with drank gallons of water. But a lot can happen in five years can’t it? A time short parent with a passion for good food and wine is not a brilliant combination. And the return to working from home has meant I’ve reached for the fridge a tad too frequently.

But that’s where Slimpod comes in as the programme trains you to think differently. A bit like giving me a slap on the hand before I reach for the fridge I guess. I have to be honest, I’m not a fan of diets and invariable the few I’ve tried have failed because the weight creeps back on once you’re done. With Slimpod, there’s no dieting, no calories to worry about and no guilt. I’m hoping however it will change my attitude to food to ensure I lose some and get fit again in 2016. I want to feel good about myself and at the moment I don’t. I’ve gone from a size 10 pre-pregnancy to five years later being on the wrong side of a size 14. Much of my lovely wardrobe doesn’t fit or is increasingly uncomfortable. While I’m generally a confident person, I just feel a bit fat and disgusting too. I know I absolutely have to do something to change that.

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So how can Slimpod help?

Slimpod is a clinically proven nine-minute podcast which transforms how you feel about food and yourself. It trains your brain each day to instinctively make healthier choices, eat less and be more active. Although the target to get back to what I weighed before POD arrived is three stone, short-term I’d just like to feel great and get in some of my faves again. Who knows in a few weeks time I might even want to be photographed rather than being the one who only captures others!

I will be trialling the Slimpod Gold 12 week programme which is the Ultimate Food Freedom package with a Slimpod, Fitpod and Chillpod. Together these will I hope help me lose weight and reduce the comfort eating I’ve done a little too much of recently! There are many benefits to this programme including live chat, email support, motivational nudges, video coaching and delicious and nutritious recipe ideas. There’s also a success log so I can record my progress, the Slimpod Club and an app.

Thinking Slimmer have made the process so easy thus far and I’m looking forward to starting the programme today. I’ll be recording my thoughts and progress each week so you read about it.

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  • Karen January 11, 2016 at 12:50 pm

    Good luck , I’m pretty sure you will have fab results. I trialed a few of them a few years ago and found they really worked but stopped listening after Daisy was born. You’ve inspired me to get listening to mine again as want to get fit again this year X