The wonder of ZSL Whipsnade Zoo

I have fond memories of Whipsnade Zoo having visited as a child when we lived in nearby Hertfordshire. Funnily enough the chalk lion that was carved into the hillside below the zoo in 1933 was always something we looked out for when we passed.

Fast forward many years living in London, a move to Surrey and becoming parents, a return trip feels like its been a long time coming. POD loves animals and we’re lucky we have a farm local to us we visit regularly. I’ve been itching to revisit Whipsnade for some time and a zoo was certainly on three-year-old POD’s wishlist – along with a unicorn!

What stuck me when we arrived was the expanse of space, not just for the animals but children too. We love being up close and personal to nature so it was wonderful to see Mara wandering freely. POD was enthralled by this large relation to the guinea pig that comes from South America.

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As we walked towards the Base Camp hub, which connects the Asia, Africa and Europe zones, POD and Daddy got to explore the nearby hills. This provided them with the perfect opportunity to see what was going on around them – and of course run about!

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Base Camp

At Base Camp we paid the Hullubazoo Children’s Farm a visit while Daddy grabbed the coffee. Miniature donkeys, pygmy goats, pigs, sheep and ferrets are just some of the animals there with red pandas, ring-tailed lemurs, chimpanzees and otters nearby.

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The Jumbo Express is a steam engine journey that will take you through territories to see animals such as elephants, rhinos, yaks and camels.

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There’s also a Discovery Centre that has insects, lizards and frogs, a live Birds of the World demonstration with eagles, hawkes and macaws and sealions in the Splash Zone. We absolutely loved the sealion show especially when they gave us a show of their ears!

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Afterwards we had a quick refuel before heading to the Asia zone. POD took it upon herself to practice rolling down a hill

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gathering some speed at times!

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Passage through Asia is a large paddock with no barriers between you and the animals. Although Whipsnade Zoo is not a safari park, this area does have a safari feel as it’s accessible by car and also on the Jumbo Express route. There are camels, yak and deer to be seen with shelters if it rains which it did!

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One of the animals I was really keen to photograph was a tiger. Although I captured one while it was sleeping without the bars in view, it proved impossible with this wonderful creature as I wasn’t close enough. Probably a good thing looking at those sharp teeth!

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It’s always a treat watching flamingoes and we were lucky to see some babies too. This flamingo spent a little while just cleaning its beak, creating lovely ripples in the water.

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POD’s excitement levels were at fever pitch as she’d not seen many of these animals in the flesh before. Although it was pouring with rain when we reached the Asian Rhino, it meant we did get to see him enjoying a fabulous bath.

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It was great to see the elephants and we were lucky enough to spot a baby one too – presumably baby Max! Also in the Asia zone were sloth bears, przewalski’s horse (previously extinct in the wild), onager and blackbucks.

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In the African zone, we got to get up really close to the most beautiful giraffes. This one just stopped to say hello and show me these incredible eyelashes. Giraffes are such graceful creatures, it must be amazing to feed them by hand.

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We also got to enjoy seeing two cheetahs having a moment together, thankfully this time I was almost able to bypass the bars.

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The zebras were spectacular and appeared to trot over when we stood by the perimeter fence – mother and child both mirroring each other.

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Having had changeable weather the day we visited, we missed the white rhino and hippo. We certainly weren’t going to miss the lions. When were arrived there was a male right up against the glass with the lionesses sitting behind him. It was impossible to get close so I moved and waited until he walked away from the group.

Somehow I had a feeling if I kept my camera in position he’d turn and look back. It was a superb moment when he did, seemingly just at me too.

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Not to be outdone, this is POD doing probably the best roar ever. Ever passers-by stopped to watch her impressive display!

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Meerkats are always quite entertaining and the ones at Whipsnade were no different. You had this chap looking out and another one poking his head through a crevice like he was invisible. POD thought they were just brilliant.

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In the Europe zone there are wolverine, brown bears, penguins and wolves. The latter were in the midst of eating so it was an interesting experience seeing each protect the food it had been given.

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There are also Lookout Lodges at Whipsnade Zoo where you can stay overnight, what an amazing experience that would be! I bet it just comes alive at night time.

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We headed over to one of the lookout points to have a look at the views. Having enjoyed a spell of jumping in muddy puddles, POD got to enjoy a run around the hillside. That and seeing elephants walk down the road was the perfect end to the most fantastic day. We absolutely loved Whipsnade Zoo, it really is an awesome experience.

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There is lots on at Whipsnade, whether it be watching what lemurs have for breakfast, feeding bears brunch or seeing hungry penguins. There are also special talks on Gaur and why they enjoy their afternoon snack, how Scimitar-horned Oryx can go so long without having a drink and how Whipsnade brough Przewalkski’s Horse back from extinction.

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Linking up with #whatsthestory here on PODcast.


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  • Helen C September 22, 2014 at 8:12 am

    I love that photo of the cheetahs, just gorgeous! I’ve never been to Whipsnade but heard so many good things about it, it’s definitely on our list of places to visit soon!

  • You Baby Me Mummy September 22, 2014 at 8:48 am

    Oh wow this place looks amazing! I think we are going to have to go. Wonderful photos. The Mara’s are strange creatures aren’t they? x #WhatsTheStory

  • Super Busy Mum September 22, 2014 at 9:24 am

    How fabulous does this zoo look and what amazing photos too. I loved how that male Lion seemed to turn and give you the pose you longed for!! Go POD for her epic roar too! I may have heard it all the way over in Belfast! 😉 x

  • Stephs Two Girls September 22, 2014 at 10:13 am

    Ah, you’ve reminded me, I’ve not been to Whipsnade since the girls were small, I must go again! Love how much space there is there. Gorgeous pics as always 🙂 Glad I’ve just found #whatsthestory x

  • Californian Mum in London September 22, 2014 at 10:28 am

    Gorgeous photos! We love Whipsnade Zoo, though we’ve only been twice. My husband and daughter still talk about the time we saw a hippo do a poo in the water. ha

  • Lucy September 22, 2014 at 10:35 am

    As always, your photos are stunningly beautiful. whipsnade, is a lovely zoo

  • Iona@redpeffer September 22, 2014 at 1:49 pm

    My daughter would love to see the wolves-her favourite animal. Beautiful photo’s. It looks like a really good zoo-I like the idea of staying overnight! I’ve been on safari in East Africa and would love to give my children an experience like that someday-thoroughly amazing 🙂

  • Coombe Mill September 22, 2014 at 1:55 pm

    Looks like a great day out for all. They’ve got so many animals there, I love your lion picture! Popping in from What’s The Story

    • Coombemill March 9, 2015 at 12:24 am

      I too remember whipsnade fondly from childhood. I had my 11th birthday here with my friends.

  • Claire@laidbackmumof4 September 22, 2014 at 1:56 pm

    I love Whipsnade too and your photos are lovely, as always! We recently went to Port Lympne Wild Animal Park and actually got to feed the giraffes, such an amazing experience – I did a blog post about it if you want more info, I was so impressed by it! I also had trouble photographing the tigers as they were too far away and the fence got in the way ;0) xx

  • Marylin September 22, 2014 at 4:43 pm

    It’s been 12 years since I last got to visit Whipsnade Zoo.
    Every summer we’d go down to High Wycombe to visit my great uncle and aunt. In the latter years, it was just my uncle that was left.
    I remember being there when Steffi Giraffe was born! She made such a THUD when she hit the ground, and was then up on her feet in no time!
    I hope one day I’ll be able to go back there… though it may be a while.

  • Jenny September 22, 2014 at 7:38 pm

    WOW now those are some amazing animal shots you took Charly. I am in awe of your skills truly. Love them and sounds like you had a great time. I love taking the kids to the zoo. What a great post. Thanks for hosting my lovely. Don’t get too busy now to enjoy the little things. It was so great sitting with you at the awards this weekend. 🙂

  • Karen Bell September 22, 2014 at 9:06 pm

    What a lovely day out. We went to Whipsnade zoo last year for a 10k run event and the children had loads of fun. We liked the Giraffes best. Great pics x

  • sustainablemum September 24, 2014 at 7:01 am

    We were there last week! I hadn’t been for years, like you I grew up a few miles down the road. I had forgotten how spacious it is, we had some tired legs at the end of the day. We got to see so many wonderful animals but the baby ones were special, a two day old elephant and a month old giraffe 🙂

  • Leigh Kendall September 24, 2014 at 3:31 pm

    I haven’t been to Whipsnade since I was little but it’s a fabulous place – fond memories. Lovely photos. x

  • Wicked World of Lucas October 20, 2014 at 10:23 am

    We love Whipsnade Zoo. It’s just around the corner from us and it’s such a fun place to visit. You were really lucky to see the Wolves – Lucas’s favourite animals. He was very jealous……… #whatsthestory

  • All about a Mummy October 20, 2014 at 10:29 am

    Looks like a fab day out! We went to a wedding there years ago and you have just inspired me to return with the girls 🙂

  • Sara (@mumturnedmom) October 21, 2014 at 1:43 am

    How did I not comment on this before, I recognise all the photos! What a fabulous day out, some cracking shots of the animals, and fabulous photos of POD as always 🙂

  • Gemma Stevens November 2, 2014 at 6:15 pm

    Beautiful photos. I have never been to that zoo before. Looks great.

  • PODcast | Alphabet Project | Z is for Zebra November 5, 2014 at 12:02 am

    […] were taken at the wonderful Whipsnade Zoo. We had the best time when we were there in August. We were lucky enough to see these wonderful […]

  • Jenny from Cheetahs In My Shoes December 1, 2014 at 7:18 pm

    We’ve been up there today – it’s a bit different in December but equally fabulous as there was no-one else there – just us and the animals. Next time you’re up, do give me a shout and we’ll try and pop up to say hello

  • The Reading Residence March 9, 2015 at 6:46 am

    What a fabulous day out! We love visiting zoos, too, though we’ve not been to that one and it looks amazing. Glad you all enjoyed it x

  • You Baby Me Mummy March 9, 2015 at 8:26 am

    Such gorgeous pictures huni, we have never been but it is going on our list! x

  • Ali March 9, 2015 at 10:21 am

    fabulous photos, I love your daughters roar face! shame you didn’t get to see a unicorn. #whatsthestory

  • Mary @ Over 40 and a Mum to One March 9, 2015 at 12:17 pm

    Whipsnade is one of our favourite places to explore. I love the really open feel to the place too, the kids can run around and every time we visit we see something different. #whatsthestory

  • Californian Mum in London March 10, 2015 at 1:34 pm

    Gorgeous photos. We’re hoping to visit Whipsnade again in the summer. It’s such a fun day out.