The highlights of 2015: January to June

When looking back at photographs from last year, most noticeable is how much POD’s grown and not just in height terms. She’s independent and confident with the best sense of humour. Of course we’re biased but she’s awesome even if she doesn’t always like doing what’s she’s told. As working parents, we do our best to ensure the time we have as a three involves adventures both near and far. Last year was certainly the year she got to experience a lot more. She loves the outdoors and she relishes in everything that comes her way.

The beginning of a new year is always a bit of an anti-climax after the festive period and POD’s birthday which is on 25th December. That said, it provides a great opportunity to start afresh with new ideas. Winter walks are a brilliant way to blow away the cobwebs even if the weather quite isn’t to our liking. The Devil’s Punch Bowl, Hatchlands Park (both National Trust) and Painshill Park proving great places to visit all year round.

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There were a few visits to everyone’s favourite, Bockett’s Farm last year. POD has developed a love for feeding the animals, asking them questions before giving them a well-earned treat. It’s took us too long to get there but we finally made it to the brilliant Brooklands Museum which is the birthplace of British Motorsport and Aviation and the home of Concorde.

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March saw me embark on a Danceathon, as part of Team Honk, for Comic Relief. When I wrote about it beforehand, I never expected we’d be dancing non-stop for SIX HOURS. I was really hard work but brilliant at the same time. I managed not to die too which is always a bonus. I raised £500 in the two weeks prior to the event with the Team Honk total surpassing a staggering £30,000!

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We’re huge fans of the National Trust and living in Surrey means we’re totally in the right part of the country to take full advantage of our membership. We like to discover new places like Limpsfield Common, where we found Peter Rabbit’s Post Office, but equally relish in returning to the places we love. Hatchlands Park is one of those and particularly special when the bluebells are out, POD loves knocking on their fairy house doors to see if anyone’s in. RHS Wisley is another favourite whether it’s capturing the alpines or walking through the jungle looking at orchids.

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The Southbank in London is somewhere that’s vibrant and busy in the evening. First thing however, it’s almost deserted with the exception of a few runners and fellow commuters. One of my favourite places to stand is beneath the London Eye but walking towards it on a gloriously sunny morning is pretty special too.

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Although they’re appearing earlier and earlier, April was the month we got to see a carpet at daffodils at Nowton Park. Set in 200 acres of landscaped Suffolk countryside it’s home to an arboretum, maze and wild meadow. We also found some great sticks!

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May saw us make the most of our first family holiday with Mark Warner having holidayed with them twice before as a couple. We got our tennis mojo back and POD got to enjoy a few lessons. She had an amazing time in Mini Club, which she attended in the mornings, and Daddy learnt how to sail.

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Keeping with the coastal theme, June was the month to explore places we’d not previously visited. The highlight of which was the Isle of Wight. We took in the Isle of Wight zoo, built sandcastles at Yaverland Beach and jumped off the esplanade too many times to count at Ryde Beach.

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So that’s just a few of our favourite adventures from the first half of 2015, the second rather colourful instalment is coming soon. What about you, what were your highlights of the year?

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