The gift of Frugi this Christmas #GiftOfGiving

If ever there was a time to make an effort, it’s at Christmas. Dressing up on the 25th December is just as much a part of the festivities as giving presents to loved ones, feasting on delectable food and loafing on the sofa. Seeing POD’s face when she discovers Father Christmas has been is magic. But I’m not sure it’s as exciting as sharing her birthday with baby Jesus!

POD was born at 10:46am on Christmas Day 2010. The past couple of years she’s has an ‘un-birthday’ party in the Summer, so she has a full day devoted to her, although we make sure she has a great birthday too. This means leaving a room free of Christmas decorations, separating her (birthday/Christmas) presents and having a cake. As any little girl would on her birthday, she always has to have a great dress too.

PODcast - FrugiThis year her dress is from Frugi – the UK’s leading organic and ethical childrenswear brand. The Frugi range spans babies, toddlers and kids plus there’s a nursing collection and gifts on offer too. I absolutely love their clothes so I was thrilled to form part of their #GiftOfGiving project – thanks to Kara at Chelsea Mamma who is one of the #FrugiFamily.

POD’s response when she saw Frugi’s Twirly Bow Dress was ‘wow, just wow Mummy’. It’s wonderful how infectious her enthusiasm is and that’s exactly what you want when you’ve chosen something isn’t it? The Twirly Bow Dress is made from 100% organic cotton which is brilliant for POD as her skin can be sensitive. The fabric is beautifully soft too and the layers make it ideal for twirling – POD has already tested how high it spins in Pizza Express! The turquoise and magenta Snowy Town design is just glorious and the contrasting polka dot ribbon at the waist can be tied in a bow at the back. It wasn’t actually raining when we took the photographs below, POD wanted Peppa up ‘just in case’!

PODcast Frugi 2This is what the nearly five year old POD thought “Well I love the spots, the pinky middle bit and the bow. I like the lambs. And their pink noses. The houses, they have a roof with snow and that’s nice.” She then asked when she’d be able to build a snowman! The year POD was born produced the highest level of snowfall in a century but there’s been little since (that she remembers). We’re really hoping for some of the white stuff this winter, the sooner the better.

Frugi has an oatmeal cardigan that I must get as it will go with the Twirly Bow Dress perfectly – a better match than the one below! Made from knitted cashmere and ethical merino wool, the Laura Cardigan will no doubt be even softer than the dress. Looks like we’ll be having a few extra birthday and Christmas cuddles!

PODcast Frugi 3The Doves aren’t the only family participating in Frugi’s brilliant #GiftOfGiving project so why not head over to Emma at Emma 4 FACS to see what she has chosen.

Gift of giving

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  • Erica Price December 2, 2015 at 10:25 am

    How lovely! Such pretty prints on the dress. We are monster Frugi fans and H loves wearing their stuff.

  • Sarah Ebner December 2, 2015 at 12:21 pm

    That dress is absolutely gorgeous – can see why she loved it. It’s all lovely, especially the colours!

  • Julia @ Rainbeaubelle December 2, 2015 at 12:21 pm

    What a gorgeous dress this is, it really suits your little girl and I love her reaction to it! So nice to be part of the project isn’t it! We are thrilled with our Isla dress x

  • karen December 2, 2015 at 5:28 pm

    She looks so beautiful. We have this dress for Poppy and it really is as gorgeous as you say xx

  • Kizzy December 2, 2015 at 8:30 pm

    I’ve always loved Frugi’s clothing, the fabrics are amazing. Love Pods dress, such a great choice

  • Ness @ JibberJabberUK December 3, 2015 at 7:36 am

    What a lovely dress and so unusual to have the winter design to it.

  • Cass@frugalfamily December 3, 2015 at 8:54 am

    THat dress is beautiful – the pattern is just so pretty!

    She looks so sweet in in too x

  • Jen December 3, 2015 at 11:10 am

    I love Frugi stuff, it is adorable. Sname by boys are too big now!

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    […] got to take part in their #GiftOfGiving review project where I got to send the lovely Charly from PodcastDove the chance to choose an item of clothing from Frugi to try for themselves. I am sure you will agree […]

  • Michelle Twin Mum December 4, 2015 at 10:34 am

    That is so cute, yes dressing up on the 25th is a big part of it for me and my girls too. Mich x

  • Laura's Lovely Blog December 4, 2015 at 9:29 pm

    What beautiful photos, that dress and your daughter is stunning #frugifamily

  • Kara December 6, 2015 at 8:25 am

    Love that you chose the same dress for POD as I have for Eliza – it is truly stunning and she looks adorable

  • Ickle Pickle December 6, 2015 at 6:17 pm

    This dress is so beautiful! I didn’t realise POD was born on Christmas Day! Kaz x

  • December 6, 2015 at 8:04 pm

    I hdn’t come across Frugi before, but this dress is divine. I might even be tempted to wear it myself, if it came in a grown-up size!

  • oana79 December 6, 2015 at 8:37 pm

    What a simply stunning dress, wish Emma was more into dresses than comfy wear!xx

  • Sonia December 7, 2015 at 8:31 pm

    That dress is so beautiful, it really suits her! x

  • Mari December 7, 2015 at 9:01 pm

    It is beautiful! Sell feel a million dollars in it.

  • Emma December 8, 2015 at 10:36 am

    oh my gosh, I LOVE that dress. just gorgeous. x

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