The B&W Photography Project | Week #83

Hello folks, welcome to week #83 of the Black and White Photography Project. If you’re new here, this is a really simple project to get involved with – just link up any monochrome photograph. With words or without, it’s entirely up to you. Your images don’t need to be from the past week either so you can pick and choose what you want to share. If you new to black and white photography, check out these tips which will give you a steer on what you can do. Most important is just having fun with it! Don’t forget you can also share your photograph on Instagram using #bwphotoproject – or just join in there if you prefer.

This photograph was taken at East Head in Sussex which is one of the fastest moving sand and shingle spits in the UK. Managed by the National Trust, it’s a rare and fragile sand dune habitat which graduates into a salt-marsh. As well as being a site of special scientific interest, it offers magnificent views towards the Isle of Wight.

PODcast 6B5A5907 B&W

Feel free to grab the #bwphotoproject badge (a monochrome one is here) and check out your fellow bloggers photos. The Black and White Photography Project is open every Sunday until the following Saturday so there’s ample time to join in.

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  • Sara | mumturnedmom February 21, 2016 at 12:18 am

    Looks amazing! Love the photo, all the texture work so well in black and white. I haven’t linked up for ages, sorry, must try harder 🙂

  • tracey at Mummyshire February 22, 2016 at 12:28 am

    I never knew that about East Head in Sussex. The first photo seems to go on for ever, and the shingle gives it so much texture and depth. Lovely shot.
    Thanks for hosting

  • Emma February 22, 2016 at 5:27 pm

    Having lost most of my eye sight I love black and white photos even more now. they’re so much easier to see and you get real definition and structural elements pop. yours are particularly amazing

  • Coombe Mill - Fiona February 23, 2016 at 12:23 am

    I can never tell the weather or the season from a beach scene in black and white, it could be whenever you chose it to be!