The B&W Photography Project | Week #53

Hello everyone, welcome to week #53 of the Black and White Photography Project. Thank you so much to those of you that joined in last time.

We were at GoFest, the UK’s festival of sport, dance, health and fitness, yesterday. The highlight was certainly meeting the lovely Ian Waite (and smiling like a buffoon at the equally lovely Natalie Lowe). That was until swum all by herself for the second time – the first time being in Corsica last week. This photograph was taken at the back end of the day when Daddy was playing tennis and we were having a mini picnic nearby.

How to join in 

To join in with the Black & White Photography Project, just link up a short post featuring a black and white photograph or black and white photographs. The photograph/s can be from any time – both old and new are welcome. You’ll find a post on how to create better black and white photographs here.

Don’t forget to share on Instagram using #bwphotoproject. You can also share your posts and photos in the B&W Photography Project Facebook Group. Please feel free to tweet me @The_Doves if you’d like your post retweeted too.

Grab the badge! 

Feel free to grab the #bwphotoproject badge (you’ll find a monochrome one here).

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Pinterest loveliness

PODcast now has over 3,000 followers on Pinterest. If you’re looking for monochrome inspiration, do check out the Black and White Photography board. It features some incredible photographs from artists all over the World.

Follow PODcast’s board The B&W Photography Project on Pinterest.

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  • LauraCYMFT July 12, 2015 at 12:18 am

    Lovely photo of Pod! Looks like she’s enjoying the sunshine.

  • The Mummy Diary July 12, 2015 at 7:18 am

    Lovely picture, the sun lands one her face perfectly!

  • Mary @ Over40andaMumToOne July 12, 2015 at 2:18 pm

    That looks like bliss

  • Tracey @ mummyshire July 12, 2015 at 6:52 pm

    This is such a chilled out photo of Pod, looks so peaceful
    Thanks for the lovely linky, as always xx

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    […] PODCast|B&W Photography Project: Week #53 […]