Sporty crafts inspired by the Olympics

With the start of the Olympics kicking off in Rio in a few weeks, we thought we’d embark on some sporty themed crafts this month. Bostik providing us with the inspiration thanks to the box of materials we received.

First up is an easy one, your very own Olympic torch! All you need to create this is a conical shape – ready made like ours or you can devise your own by rolling card and gluing it together. We painted ours yellow but you can use yellow card if you’d prefer. All you need then are strips of coloured tissue paper and glue – we’re using Bostik’s Fine & Wide Glue Pen.

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To create your version of the Olympic torch, first cut up strips of tissue paper. It’s up to you how many you use and what colour – we’re going with orange and yellow around our cone with rolled red tissue paper in the middle. Once you’ve cut your strips of tissue paper, glue around the inside top of your cone and attach your first row. If you have the time, you can wait a little while for this to dry – otherwise crack on with adding a little more glue to form your second and third layers. The finishing touch being to add the rolled red tissue in the middle – you can then leave it to dry. Then once it’s ready, take it outside and watch it blow in the wind!

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Next up are Hama Bead medals. All you need for these is a hama bead base, coloured hama beads and some ribbon. We had just enough gold, silver and bronze hama beads to create 3 medals so we’re kept our design simple. We always find it easiest to start from the middle and work outwards ensuring there’s a little space (the size of two hama beads) for our ribbon.

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Once you’re happy with your design, cover the top of it with tracing paper and iron to achieve the desired effect. Adults only for this part obviously! As soon as the design has cooled a little, you can remove the base and start on the next one. We decided to use red ribbon for each of our medals. Let’s hope we see an abundance of the real thing in Rio – bring it on!

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Disclaimer:We’re a #BostikBlogger family and received a box of craft materials as inspiration for our sporty creations.

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