Project 365: Weeks #36 and #37

You’ll see a number of photos from the Southbank in this post. I pass by on my walk to and from the office. In the morning there’s barely a soul around and in the evening its buzzing with life, music and wonderful smells. POD also received her first bicycle and enjoyed testing it out in the forest.

Welcome to Project 365: Weeks #36 and #37.

Day 243 

Today saw a quick dash to the beautiful Guildford town centre followed by a day of sorting before the working week began. This beautiful clock hangs over the cobbles of the High Street.

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Day 244

There’s what looks like an amazing wine shop near the office with fabulous window displays. I’m sure it won’t be long before I pay them a visit.

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Day 245

This is one of the fishing boats you can see on the Thames, I love that the tug boat is called Poppy! There are so many to photograph and they always look a little bit special in monochrome.

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The shore always offers a wealth of interesting things to photograph – some more pleasant than others.

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Day 246

This mural is near the IMAX end of Waterloo Bridge, so many great colours.

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Day 247

There’s a chap on the Southbank that creates animals from sand. There was this one and I also saw a horse nearby. Both generated a lot of attention, perhaps that’s why he had so many hats out for passers-by to throw money into!

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Day 248

I love the contrast between day and night on the Southbank. This is a busy photograph with two rides, including the London Eye, and Big Ben which is on the other side of the river.

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Day 249

Having recently received a bicycle we took POD to Alice Holt forest for her first bike ride. She’s (kind of!)  mastered the pedaling but she’s not quite there with the looking forwards and steering. Here she is looking at the trees when we arrived

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and this is that moment she realised cycling could be fun! I love this photograph not just for capturing her smiley face but for taking it whilst running backwards. So lucky I didn’t end up in a bush!


Day 250

One of POD’s chums had a birthday party today and she got the opportunity to dress up courtesy of the children’s entertainer. Using a pair of trousers as a dress and the pockets as sleeves it was an interesting look. Not the greatest of photos but we had a superb afternoon all the same.

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Day 251

Back in London again from today so more ambling along the Southbank taking photographs of interesting things. Down by the shore

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and up above. This sign is from an old fashioned carousel.

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Day 252

It’s a great feeling standing by the London Eye at 8am. It’s closed to the public at that time and there’s only a handful of people around. Looking across the Thames, it almost feels like you’re watching London wake up for the day. Even more so when Big Ben chimes.

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Day 253

The sunsets in London have been incredible over the past few days – whether you’re standing on Blackfriars Bridge or walking along the Thames.

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The sun reflecting on the water is fabulous but the burnt orange sky is just mesmerising.

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Day 254

There’s an area for skateboarders down on the Southbank. It’s covered in graffiti which is continually changing. If you’re lucky you’ll see an artist at work.

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Day 255

Another day, another sunset albeit well-timed with a bird flying past! I seem to remember having rather sore eyes after taking this one!

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Day 256 

Today my brothers came over for a visit and brought a giant teddy for POD with them. I think it’s fair to say she loves him – especially when she got to dive onto his tummy!

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TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

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  • Jo Laybourn September 14, 2014 at 12:35 pm

    Southbank heavy or not, these photo’s are stunning! Especially the Big Ben one, the sunset ones and the cycling ones of POD! Great round up Charly! #365

  • Mrs Teepot September 14, 2014 at 7:23 pm

    Love the clock, well I love all of them, but that one’s my favourite!

  • LauraCYMFT September 14, 2014 at 9:34 pm

    Gorgeous photos. I love the one of the London Eye with Big Ben in the background. Also loving that mural near the IMAX.

  • Michelle Twin Mum September 14, 2014 at 10:40 pm

    ohh too many nice photos to choose from. I did like to come straigh in and see Guildford though, my birth town. Have a great week, Mich x

  • suzanne3childrenandit September 15, 2014 at 2:26 pm

    Well done for finding interesting photos in London – must be so tough. My girls coveted that ride by the London Eye when we went there last summer – still haven’t taken them! Gorgeous, atmospheric pics Charly, well done x

  • Sara (@mumturnedmom) September 16, 2014 at 3:07 am

    Fabulous round up Charly, I love all the Southbank photos, a stroll down memory lane 🙂 The photos of POD on her bike are priceless x

  • OneDad3Girls September 20, 2014 at 8:44 pm

    Beautiful photos, the Southbank is one of the most interesting places in the World not just London

  • Faded Seaside Mama September 21, 2014 at 9:39 pm

    I swear your photos just get better and better! The London ones are amazing and make me yearn to be there more. Luckily I’ve got a few work trips ahead and one social one in the next month so will have to try and capture some moments there taking yours as inspiration.

  • Project 365: Weeks #36 and #37 | Love All Blogs September 24, 2014 at 8:16 pm

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