Preparing for school

There’s a school up the road from us that seems perfect for POD. It offers a creative curriculum she’s well suited to, it’s a short walk from home and her pre-school chums will be attending. It’s a great combination and it would have been ideal.

If you read the school place challenges post, you’ll know POD didn’t secure a place at the local school. We appealed against the decision and lost. It was expected but we secretly hoped the panel would overturn the decision. POD remains on the waiting list for her nearest school and we regularly check her position with the local authority. Although she’s in the top ten, a September start date seems unlikely.

Although there’s still hope, there has to be a cut-off. We need to prepare POD for school and do the things that need doing – like ordering a uniform and labelling her clothes. POD has attended the same nursery/pre-school since she was 11 months old. It’s going to be a big change for her and we need to make the transition as smooth as possible.

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She doesn’t know she won’t be starting school with her friends yet. She’s also convinced she’s going to Peppa Pig School and will be taught by Madame Gazelle!

The past week has seen us complete forms and organise visits with the new school. Now we know when her settling in days are and when she has her first full day. She’s been ‘ready’ to start school for a while now and she’s a sociable soul so she’ll probably love it. That’s what I tell myself anyway.

It’s incredible to think the little baby girl that arrived on Christmas Day 2010 starts school in just over two months time. We’ll be heartbroken to see her walk into big school but thrilled too that it’s a new chapter for her. September is going to be hard. But it was going to be hard anyway wasn’t it?

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  • Coombemill June 29, 2015 at 12:10 am

    It is such an exciting change and I’m sure she will be happy and make new friends quickly. the big question will be what you’ll do down the line if a place comes up at your local school! for now you are right to focus on where she will start and the settling in period. I also feel we have change this year, the triplets are leaving primary and have their transition week to comp next week. Fingers crossed for a smooth transition for them all.

  • Sara | mumturnedmom June 29, 2015 at 1:37 am

    Oh Charly, I know it’s what you expected but it still must have been such a blow when the final decision came through. I’m so sorry. You’re doing the right thing now though in preparing her for starting, and like Fiona says, I’m sure she’ll be absolutely fine xx

  • Notmyyearoff June 29, 2015 at 3:16 am

    Yes I think it’s going to be hard anyway, no matter what school she got. It is such. Big change and I wish we could all hold hands the day before they start. I think our babies will love it and that we will be the worriers. Let’s hope they love the settling in sessions x

  • Eat Like You Love Yourself June 29, 2015 at 7:00 am

    My son was also born in 2010 but due to his birth date started school last year. Although he got into our first choice, in his class there was only one other child from his nursery. Most of the other children from nursery went to the local catholic school which I didn’t want to send him to for my own reasons.

    Although it was our first choice, I did have reservations and fears. His school is massive; 600 kids but is far more traditional in it’s style of teaching which I liked. No open plan class rooms, well disciplined and the head teacher not only gave us 90 minutes of his time to show us round but seemed to know the names of every child he met (and every child he met had impeccable manners). My son has always needed structure in his day and is absolutely thriving. He loves school, his reading age is well into the year above him and he’s already doing simple sums and writing in sentences. Be brave, show your child you’re excited and you might just find she thrives too. Friends aren’t everything at school. My son’s best friend is someone from nursery and we still see him regularly outside of school because he went to another primary. It doesn’t matter and in some ways I’m glad they’re not together because his friend is a bundle of energy. Great for the park, not so good during story time.

    The hardest thing is not them being upset but suddenly realising how independent they are and how little they still need you. It’s scary but it’s the right thing.

  • Beth June 29, 2015 at 1:58 pm

    Oh bless. Sorry you didn’t get the school you wanted. But she will love it whichever school she attends.
    So adorable that she thinks she is going to Peppa Pig’s school! How cute is that.
    It’s mad how fast time goes, isn’t it.

  • Sam June 29, 2015 at 9:07 pm

    Charly one of JJ’s friends (from the year above) didn’t get into his school and spent a whole year and a bit at another school down the road before reaching the top of the waiting list and then moved across. He’s doing brilliantly and maybe it will be the same for POD but then again maybe it will be the case of her thriving in the school she has gotten in to and not wanting to move. Whatever happens I’m sure it will be right for her. X

  • tracey at Mummyshire June 29, 2015 at 9:58 pm

    Oh the emotion in this post is so strong. I read your post in April when the decisions came through – we had our school place confirmed on the same day – and then the wait. I think you’re doing the right thing by helping POD adjust as early as possible to her new school and she’ll probably be absolutely fine and settle in to her new life and new routine easily, children are quite resilient. It’s us parents who feel it the most!
    My boy will be starting school in September too, and I know it’ll be harder for me than it will be for him!
    I hope it all goes well, Charly xx

  • PODcast | What's The Story? | 29th June 2015 July 5, 2015 at 6:20 pm

    […] week’s post is about preparing POD for school having recently lost our appeal. Although an expected decision, we now need to change our focus so […]

  • Sarah MumofThree World July 9, 2015 at 10:55 am

    Good luck to her and you! It’s a shame she hasn’t got into your preferred school. Hoping her allocated school is just as good and I’m sure she’ll make lots of friends.