One of the things ten-year-old POD loves about the Easter and Summer holidays is the non-stop fun she has at Barracudas activity day camps. Barracudas had to remain closed in 2020 but their superb activity day camps have returned for the 2021 season. POD has been going for several years now and enjoys it so much, she refuses to go anywhere else! It’s hardly surprising with so many excellent activities on offer, outstanding facilities and brilliant staff.
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Barracudas is the Number 1 multi-activity day camp, suitable for children aged 4 ½ to 14 years with age-appropriate groups and activities. There are around 80 activities to choose from so there’s literally something for everyone. A typical day consists of six sessions with a choice of two activities for each session plus lunch and two breaks. Due to COVID-19, the Easter camp consisted of one activity per session which made perfect sense given the circumstances and didn’t affect POD’s enjoyment. Other changes included smaller groups (POD’s was 15 children instead of 24), group bubbles and Barracudas introduced a new app with a QR code to limit contact at drop off and pick up time. Below is a taste of what to expect at a Barracudas activity day camp and what POD got up to over the holidays. If you want to see her chatting about some of the things she did, do check out our Highlights on Instagram – she loved Danish Longball!
Barracudas has 43 camp locations dotted around the country, each of which offers a range of activities. They are open on selected dates during the Easter and Summer holidays with some even open for half-term as well. We’re lucky in that there are several Barracudas activity day camps located in Surrey. We have however always stayed with the same school (rated outstanding by Ofsted) as the facilities are exceptional and POD always has the best time there. The pool wasn’t in use last time but it’s a large site with a drama room, art room and a sports hall indoors with an archery range, a woodland area and playing fields. There are also Skills Builder courses available at this site which include Lab Rats, Motor Mania and Dance Fusion.

Standard hours at the Barracudas activity camp POD goes to are 8:30am to 5:30pm. There is the option for extended hours as well which can be a real lifesaver (8am and 6pm). I’ve always been grateful for the efficiency at drop off (which can take slightly longer as it’s the first day) and pick up. We’re usually only waiting 5 minutes. We’ve tried other camps in the past and all too often the process of checking POD in and collecting her has taken ages. Barracudas make sure the process is quick, easy and efficient – helped by the enthusiastic staff who are always so welcoming. The only delay we normally have is POD trying to high five “The Flappy Man” both when we arrive and when we leave!

There are a wealth of activities to choose from at Barracudas – typically around 80 in all and POD was spoiled for choice. Following the usual welcome tour and fire drill on the first day, she got to try out a wealth of activities – some she was familiar with and some she wasn’t. These included Danish Longball, drama, basketball, paper collages, football Capture The Flag, netball, Croccer, dodgeball, art, badminton, benchball, uni hoc, tennis, drama and mini Olympics. Having not been able to get out on her bike for so long and been restricted to walking in the local area much of the time, she absolutely relished being at camp again. Find out more about Barracudas in this post which highlights why we love their activity camps.

If you want to find out more about Barracudas activity day camps, do check out this post we wrote in advance of camps opening again. POD is super excited for the summer now especially as it may see the return of the water-based activities. For more information, do head over to the Barracudas website.