Matcha Green Tea Powder | Tasty cocktails

The health benefits of green tea have been widely reported from weight loss and stress relief to improved brain function. Matcha is a super-charged version of green tea made from Camellia Sinensis but in fine powder form. People that ingest matcha are consuming the entire leaf rather than brewed water – one glass of matcha tea is the equivalent to 10 glasses of regular green tea!

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Not only that a study from 2003 published in the Journal of Chromatography found matcha has 137 times more of the powerful antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) than other types of green tea. EGCG has been proven effective in the fight against many forms of cancer, HIV, heart disease and a host of other illnesses and diseases.

As matcha is a powder, you can reap the health benefits in all kinds of ways too – from lattes, smoothies and cocktails to poultry, beef and seafood to puddings, bread and dips. With this being our first dabble with matcha green tea powder, making cocktails seemed as good a place as any to put it to the test.

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There are three matcha green tea powder cocktails on the menu today – the matcha orange cocktail, the sparkling matcha cocktail and a minty macha mojito. As you’d expect the latter does include rum while the other two alcohol free. All recipes are super easy and make one cocktail.

Matcha Orange Cocktail 

1 teaspoon matcha
2½ teaspoons sugar
4 ice cubes
¼ cup hot water
½ cup 100% orange juice (cold)

Place the ice cubes in a tall glass and set aside. In a small bowl combine the matcha and then sugar then add hot water and mix until the sugar has dissolved. Pour the matcha over the ice and let it sit for a minute. Top with orange juice.

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I wasn’t sure if I’d got this one right initially but you just have to wait for it to settle to get the stripey orange/green effect. There should be a little more orange showing here although I think I was quite generous with my teaspoon of matcha.

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Sparkling Matcha Cocktail 

1 teaspoon matcha
4 ice cubes
2 teaspoons warm water
¾ cup sparkling water
1 lime wedge

In a tall glass stir the warm water and matcha until they’re blended. Add the ice cubes to the glass and slowly add the sparkling water. Stir until blended then squeeze the lime wedge on top.

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This cocktail was the quickest to make and I was pleasantly surprised at how light and refreshing it was. A real thirst quencher. In case you’re wondering, matcha doesn’t taste like the green tea you’d normally have at all. This is a great alternative to sparkling water and so good for you!

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Minty Matcha Mojito 

1 lime (juiced)
1 tablespoon cane sugar
1 teaspoon matcha
5 fresh mint leaves
Crushed ice
2oz sparkling soda water
1½ oz rum

Add the matcha, mint leaves, sugar and lime juice to the bottom of a glass and use a muddler to mix if you have one. Muddle until the sugar is dissolved and you can smell the mint. Add the crushed ice to the glass then top with soda and rum. Garnish with additional mint leaves if desired. The recipe doesn’t include strawberries but we improvised slightly!

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I slipped a little with the matcha on this one as it shouldn’t be this dark. That said I did the same with the rum so there was a good balance! A great tasting and nutritious mojito. In fact all three cocktails were delicious and as someone that’s never used Matcha Green Tea Powder before, I was thrilled. The POD Father is already asking me to make him a matcha latte with warm milk for breakfast too.

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Kiss Me Organics Matcha Green Tea Powder is available exclusively on Amazon. Its 100% organic, tested for purity, and contains more than 137 times the antioxidants found in a cup of brewed tea. You can also create all kinds of culinary delights with it – watch this space as we’ll be cooking with matcha next!

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Disclaimer: We were sent a 113g packet of Kiss Me Organics Matcha Green Tea Powder for the purpose of this review. Opinions are our own.

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  • Emma August 7, 2015 at 1:39 pm

    It’s a really acquired taste, but one that I happen to love! Which was just as well when we went to Japan, there’s sooo much Matcha about as you might expect (I brought some back and made some matcha and white chocolate brownies with it!) 😀

  • Jen aka Muminthemadhouse August 7, 2015 at 9:33 pm

    I have a matcha with warm milk every morning and have for the last year. I am not sure it is helping me lose weight but it has become a habit!

  • Bek Dillydrops August 7, 2015 at 9:35 pm

    This looks really interesting. I’ve not heard of Matcha before but it seems very versatile. I will look forward to seeing more recipes with it in.

  • Anne August 7, 2015 at 10:17 pm

    I love Matcha, particularly in latte. I’ve also used it for baking and had it cold with with little strawberry bubbles in, but I’ve never tried cocktails. I really must give them a go.

  • Ruthy @ Minibreak Mummy August 8, 2015 at 1:08 pm

    These drinks look really pretty and would be great for a stylish garden party

  • JuggleMum, Nadine Hill August 8, 2015 at 1:49 pm

    You’ve made Green Tea interesting for me Charly!!

  • Ninjacat August 8, 2015 at 2:25 pm

    Ooh let’s have a cocktail party x

  • rachel August 8, 2015 at 3:44 pm

    I used to be put off Matcha because of the colour, now I quite like it but have never tried it like this x

  • oana79 August 8, 2015 at 6:47 pm

    We were sent this too, Charly, it tastes lovely but I wasn’t as inventive as you were with my drink, need to give these a go, they look amazingly refreshing!xx

  • Kizzy August 8, 2015 at 9:14 pm

    It’s amazing how I have come across matcha so many times recently. I need to try it for myself

  • sam fernley August 8, 2015 at 11:28 pm

    I have been hearing so much about matcha and I really need to try it for myself. I can imagine that the taste will get a bit of getting used to but if you can mix it in with other things that sounds great.

  • Erica Price August 9, 2015 at 7:44 am

    I couldn’t really get on with drinking matcha on its own, but I think it might work for me mixed with fruit.

  • Erika August 10, 2015 at 10:03 am

    I love Matcha Tea and actually have the powder sent over to me from Japan by y friend. I haven;t tried it with strawberries though.

  • Kara August 10, 2015 at 10:38 am

    I have just started drinking green tea and am surprised I like it – would love to give this a try

  • Mary Louise August 13, 2015 at 9:09 am

    I loved this post and review – i am a bit obsessed with powders that do amazing things. I am not a tea drinker so this product would really benefit me. Great cocktails!