Making progress with swimming

Recent weeks have seen POD finally settle in at school, a huge relief if I’m honest, progress to the next level in gymnastics and embark on drama classes. Not only that, we’ve seen some notable changes at swimming too. Obviously I totally blame myself for her getting the fear a couple of years back. Three dives was three too many in her first lesson back after I broke my wrist and she quickly got the fear. We pursued the course to the end of term but often had to leave before class finished because she was so scared. She’s such a daredevil too so it seems so odd saying that now.

We didn’t venture back into a pool for a little while and when we did it was the local sports centre where she got to clamber over animals, climb up a ship and whizz down a slide. Over time she built her confidence back up again and even had group swimming lessons. While she enjoyed them, it wasn’t overly successful as there was too much hanging around. It’s hardly surprising POD made her own entertainment with the floats or attempted to piggy back the teacher!

Last year while on holiday, POD insisted we buy her armbands and a rubber ring so she didn’t drown. She was happy as larry splashing around in a pool but reluctant for any water to go on her face. But two months later we got to see her swim on her own. With armbands yes and not far distance wise but it was a huge turning point. Once home we purchased a Konfidence jacket for her and went swimming as a three whenever time allowed. She had a couple of wobbles but there was a remarkable difference.

We signed her up for 1-2-1 swimming lessons at the start of the year as we thought it might help. We’re about six weeks in now and starting to see progress thanks to her teacher, who is excellent, and a dive stick named Mr Seal! POD still doesn’t want her head to get wet but she happily dons her goggles and blows bubbles with half her face in the water so a marked improvement. The past couple of weeks have seen her water confidence increase dramatically. She’s been keeping her body straight while kicking and blowing bubbles plus she’s managed to lie flat on her back even though it tickled her ears. The look on her face when she finished was just priceless – she was so pleased with herself. We’re not allowed to take photographs at the pool but her expression looks something like this!

PODcast IMG_4427

Linking up with Suzanne at 3 Children and It for #LoudnProud



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  • Suzanne February 25, 2016 at 10:04 pm

    Aw this is adorable Charly. Glad to see POD is back on track with her swimming. One of mine had a blip like this around the same age. Think they suddenly get full of little fears. Sounds like she’s going great guns now! Thanks for linking up to #loudnproud

  • Steph February 26, 2016 at 9:49 pm

    That’s awesome! Well done POD getting back on track with swimming x