Learning the alphabet

The great thing about setting up a business is seeing POD every day. When we’re not working we try to get outside, even if its just for a walk, or we play. Occasionally we’ll *attempt to* create something like our recent Easter Egg Men.

I love listening to POD learn new words and join sentences together. It’s also great to see how excited she becomes when she makes a new discovery and wants to tell you about it! These are all magical moments and I hope through this blog, we’ll get to remember quite a lot of them.

Not that long ago I was in the wrong place at the wrong time (you can read about that here). So, it’s an utter joy to be in the right place at the right time on a regular basis.

Take the other day. POD arrived back from nursery singing the entire alphabet. A to Z with all the other letters in-between. Of course she’s learnt it parrot fashion but she can sing the alphabet. Incredible.

I missed recording it in the right order on my mobile but you’ll get the idea from the video below. You’ll see she’s also multi-tasking. Singing the alphabet and sorting her fruit and veg basket. Hugely important to a two year old.


If you have a Magic Moments post you’d like to share, head over to The Oliver’s Madhouse or click on the badge below:


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  • Jaime Oliver April 3, 2013 at 12:58 pm

    OMG that video is so so cute! Getting times at home is always a #magicmoment

    Thanks for linking up

    • Charly Dove April 3, 2013 at 1:36 pm

      Thank you, its a proud magic moment! Hoping to get round to look at the others later.

  • PODcast | The year in pictures January 1, 2014 at 1:10 pm

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