When I was asked ‘”Do you know Alice Holt?” I honestly thought she was a person. An elegant middle class lady who lived on a farm and was into pottery.
Or a more likely scenario, it was someone I’d met in a baby massage group. POD loved those sessions. Quite possibly because taking her nappy off created an instant wee fountain and subsequently much hilarity.
I would remember anyone called Alice. This being the name my parents were going to give me until they realised Miss A Cornes (yes acorns) really didn’t work. Charlotte was a much better option. The name proved especially popular in the eighties thanks to an Iron Maiden song featuring the name in its title.
Does anyone remember ‘Charlotte the Harlot’!?
Well as it turns out Alice Holt is not a person but a forest. A huge ancient forest that used to supply timber to the navy. It’s a beautiful woodland setting and a great place for outdoor activities. POD made a beeline for a wooden play area when we arrived.
At this juncture, it’s worth pointing out she’s a climber and she has No Fear. She’d dive head first off a table given the opportunity. Add to this a coat better suited to a child double her age (bought in the sale), some over-sized wellies and hey presto we’re onto a winner.
POD bounded off in a way only a two-year-old can. Clambering up giant steps, she was off while I desperately clung to her hand. Except it wasn’t her hand. Or her arm. It was an empty sleeve. Then we lost a welly. Then we slid on some ice. We were on the cusp of disaster so we left the play area to see what else Alice Holt had in store.
I’d recently promised POD she could jump in puddles if she had wellies on. Only to discover when we were in a muddy wood that they were too small. Cue massive tantrum and buggy style back arching. Today was different. POD had new wellies and there were puddles. Little puddles and great big muddy bogs. I’m not sure what possessed me to put POD in a dress that day. A cream dress and puddles. Gold star to mummy.
We were so keen to get going when we arrived at Alice Holt, we just started walking rather than planning a specific route or picking up a map. To be honest that’s how we like it. The POD Father in particular is not one to
ask for directions.
POD herself likes to follow her own path. After all we spent 9 months thinking she was a boy and with her due date being Christmas Day, were equally as surprised as the midwife as it happens, that “baby Jesus” turned out to be a beautiful baby girl.
Everyone at Alice Holt had a dog. We all love dogs. One day we will crumble and buy one especially now we’re working from home. POD adores dogs from afar. Get close and the confident toddler clings to you like a little monkey. Throughout our stay at Alice Holt, every time POD saw a dog she pointed and shouted ‘Dog’ at the top of her voice. Dogs are far more exciting to POD than ‘Cats’ or ‘Babits’.
We stayed at Alice Holt less than two hours as it was so cold but it was simply stunning. There is an incredible amount to do there whether it be walking, exploring and cycling if like me you didn’t batter your coccyx in labour. There are also play areas, a popular Habitat Trail, Go Ape and nordic walking.
For children Alice Holt boasts a wide range of children’s holiday activities such as den building, pond dipping and woodland craft sessions. Sessions for mums and toddlers are also available during term time.