How does your garden grow?

You may remember we recently had a patio laid to replace the decking I broke my wrist on. Nothing gave me greater pleasure than to see the wooden ice-rink demolished and be replaced with a nice safe area for POD. It looks fantastic even though the beds around it need sprucing up a little.

Other exciting changes include having an outside toilet installed in a brick shed that’s attached to the house. Our beautiful Willow tree had caused it to subside so it’s taken time to make it stable again. It already had water and electricity though so it’s an easy job to make it functional.

We had some wood flooring left over from when we moved in so JD has been busily laying it. We’ll then have to replace the door once the loo and sink are in. The current half door isn’t very private!

Around the garden we have much weeding to do before POD’s christening in September. We have very few flowers in bloom at the moment but it’s great to see my Fuchsia’s coming back to life.

The Red Hot Pokers have finished but the seeds are still a wonderful sight. The Sunflowers I planted with POD are doing brilliantly and are now over a foot tall. No flowers yet. I also spotted some apples and blackberries which was a nice surprise.

Last weekend I received a macro lens for my birthday. I’ve had limited time to practice this week but I did manage to capture a ladybird and a grasshopper. The other photos I took were a blurry white mess so I have a lot to learn!

We’re linking this post up with How Does Your Garden Grow? over at Mammasaurus. If you’d like to join in, or have a nose around some other gardens, click on the badge below.

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  • Helen Sims The good life mum August 22, 2013 at 10:01 pm

    do you still have lady birds in your garden? i have hardly seen any this year compared to other years where i have been batting them off. wonderful pictures once again

    • Charly Dove August 22, 2013 at 10:30 pm

      Funny you should say that Helen, I’ve not seen any recently. I found this little one while I was lying on the grass staring into a flower bed. As you do! Thank you for the kind words, I’m missing colour this week 🙂

  • Nichola Fabfortymum August 22, 2013 at 11:26 pm

    Oh what fabulous pictures and I got my first ladybird picture today, it’s the first one I’ve seen all year and of course only had my mobile with me, so I’m not sure what it looks like yet, nothing like yours Charly it is fantastic and I love the rosehips. Such beautiful pictures as usual and I’m loving your macro shots. I think I wished you happy birthday, but just in case, I’ll say it again HAPPY BIRTHDAY xx

    • Charly Dove August 23, 2013 at 8:41 am

      Thank you so much Nichola, it’s not the usual slideshow of colour! I do love the ladybird and rosehips too though. Hopefully your photo will come out, fingers crossed! Thank you for the birthday wishes 🙂

  • Mammasaurus August 23, 2013 at 12:48 am

    Oh I love macro shots – I looks forward to seeing more of those soon. Did you have a good birthday?

    I can just imagine the look of glee as the decking was ripped up – must be a weight off your mind with little POD running about. Beautiful photos, it’s always good to see apples growing – childhood memories of apple crumble made from fallen apples from our garden and more recent cider-joy memories get stirred up!

    And yes, where are the ladybirds this year? Plenty of bees and butterflies but not many ladybirds!

    Thanks for joining in again x

    • Charly Dove August 23, 2013 at 8:44 am

      Macro shots with the new lens will be a little while coming I think, taking a lot of blurry photos! Lovely birthday thank you. Had a fabulous meal on the Saturday although it was actually on the Sunday. I was so glad to find a few things to photograph in the garden this week. Those apples do look good, I hope we get to try them – and the blackberries! Maybe it’s been too warm for the ladybirds?

  • Gemma Garner August 23, 2013 at 9:39 pm

    There have been hardly any ladybirds in our garden this year. Last year they were everywhere to the point where they were nesting in the cracks in our windows. When we opened them a few would fall onto the windowsill. It’s great you now have a macro lens, look forward to seeing more of your photos!

    • Charly Dove August 24, 2013 at 12:12 am

      I do wonder whether they’re hiding Gemma, we’ve had a really good summer haven’t we. It sounds like you had loads last year! The macro lens is very different to the lens I use to take my usual garden shots so I have much practicing to do. Thank you though 🙂

  • Dragonsfypoppy August 25, 2013 at 7:37 pm

    LOVING your macro lens photographs. Great news on the safer patio 🙂 I’m so envious of your willow, I’m hoping to get my husband a weeping willow for Christmas (not sure that’s the right time of year to get one though!). x

  • Helvetia Handmade August 28, 2013 at 9:48 pm

    I love your pictures. The ladybird picture is brilliant. I love ladybirds, such great creatures.