Giraffe sausage

After the usual Christmas excess (a new record this year, we were still eating turkey and Christmas cake on the 29th) we decided to forgo lunch at home and take POD to one of her favourite restaurants, Giraffe in Guildford.

A perennial family favourite, Giraffe rarely fails to deliver a relaxing and tasty dining experience. This visit was no exception.

Resplendent in her 20s inspired woolly dress and hat POD strode in ready to do battle with one of their kids’ meals. The welcome, as always was very friendly and there was already a high chair at our table waiting to be filled.

Strapped in and furnished with crayons and a colouring-in page of giraffes, POD was like the proverbial pig (albeit an absolutely gorgeous one!)

Within minutes our waitress had introduced herself (not in an American, ‘” hi my name is Missie I’ll be your etc…”) and took our full order, drinks and food, including sausage, beans and mash for POD and a Mango Mama smoothie for Mummy.
POD’s a good water drinker so that’s her usual food accompaniment. However, when the Mango Mama arrived, visually appealing with its orange and red hue, she immediately said “what’s this?!” Delivered with equal amounts of gusto and wonder each time, this has become her stock phrase.

Other than Daddy’s back scratcher, which elicited multiple “what’s this’” as she clearly wasn’t convinced of the answer, a brief description normally suffices. Of course with something as exciting looking as the Mango Mama, a quick taste was required. POD slurped away enthusiastically on the straw. Needless to say Mummy was quickly in danger of losing her drink, so we ordered a special POD size equivalent.

The sausage and mash came soon afterwards, allowing us just the right amount of time to give the giraffes blue eyes and yellow hooves. Before I could reach for POD’s spoon she speared one of the very meaty looking sausages (they were, I tested them ) with the adult sized fork provided and began chomping away. Given that the fork was about half the size of her arm this was no mean feat, and made us giggle.

I had the Super Healthy Veggie and Oregano Feta Salad, my husband the Grilled Chicken, Tiger Prawn and Mango salad.

Both disappeared in seconds and were an extremely welcome respite from the self-inflicted over indulgence of the past week. Unfortunately my stomach has stretched so much over the festive period that I was forced to have the Chocolate Brownie for pud to satiate my food lust.

215-217 High Street
01483 300237

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