Fun with a new trampoline

Earlier this year as well as (finally!) getting offered a place at a local school, POD secured a spot at her old gymnastics club. She’d been there weekly until she started school and we’ve had to wait almost two years for a weekend slot to become available. She continued with gymnastics elsewhere in the interim but the sessions were very much floor based. She missed a lot of the apparatus especially the trampoline which was conveniently located next to a foam pit. It’s great watching her now, bouncing on the trampoline before doing a forward roll into the pit, it always makes her giggle.

She’s never had a trampoline at home but given how active she is, there really wasn’t much of a need. Plus she has a playhouse with a swing and a slide in the garden which provides a great deal of entertainment. That and planting or tending to any flowers she’s grown. POD’s aunty very kindly passed on her sons trampoline recently though and oh my goodness POD absolutely loves it. Having bounced around all over the place initially, she now keeps herself central when she jumps. Those forward rolls and tuck positions from gymnastics have certainly helped with the height. She’s enjoying running round in circles until she falls over too.

I used to adore trampolining when I was at school although the opportunities to do so since have of course been limited. Its been a while since I gave it go, having a child and trampolines doesn’t really go hand in hand does it? That said I’ve had a try and it’s brilliant although it’s never going to be something I can do for long periods of time. POD has has so much enjoyment from it over the school holidays already, I suspect she’ll be on it for several years to come yet.

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