Free LTA tennis lessons #TennisForKids

The Doves have always been huge tennis fans. A highlight was certainly being at Centre Court for that epic game between Andy Murray and Richard Gasquet way back in 2008. Murray not only came back from being two sets down, he went on to the win the match and secure a place in the quarters. As well as continuing to watch at home, we used to play tennis regularly too. Before POD came along in 2010, we’d be on court several times a week all year round. We even took two Mark Warner Holidays so we could improve our game and play tennis most of the day. POD’s arrival, and a rather spectacular wrist break, saw a six year hiatus but 2015 was the year we finally got to dust down our rackets. Picking up the game we love was a superb feeling but even better was seeing a four year old POD on court for the very first time.

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We were on holiday (with Mark Warner) and one of the activities POD got to try as part of the kids club was tennis. While some might say it was luck, she seemed to step into a volley and hit the ball with a left-handed swing. Most importantly she had the best time in those 30 minutes. So much so, she even had a few lessons before we returned to the UK. That was a year ago now, and she’s not played since, so we’re thrilled she’s enrolled on the Lawn Tennis Association #TennisForKids programme. Designed for children aged 5-8, it provides kids with the opportunity to be taught tennis for free by a qualified LTA coach. It sounds like such great fun as well.

The #TennisForKids initiative is to celebrate the British Davis Cup team making history and winning the Davis Cup last year. The LTA is passionate about growing the game, investing in grass roots and helping as many kids as possible try tennis. The #TennisForKids campaign is just one of they ways they’re doing it. POD will be starting her lessons later this month so we’ll be sharing how she gets on over the coming weeks. You can sign up for free tennis lessons with a qualified LTA coach too.

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Sign-up for free LTA tennis lessons with #TennisForKids

Focused on getting children and families involved with tennis, the #TennisForKids campaign is a brilliant initiative specifically designed to provide kids (aged 5-8) who are interested in tennis with the opportunity to take lessons. On offer is a free 6 week course with a qualified LTA coach and a free racket which you get to keep if you attend regularly. There’s also the opportunity for parents to get involved and the option to continue playing at the venue once the course has finished.

Each LTA tennis course teaches children to learn the essentials so they can focus on having a great time playing tennis. Skills they’ll learn include throwing and catching, how to hold a racket and control a ball, the different types of shots, how to develop a rally, hitting the ball over the net, being part of a team and the rules of tennis. They’ll also get to have oodles of fun and make new friends.

Tennis is a sport everyone can try so if you have a child aged 5-8, do sign up for the free lessons. It’s an amazing offer to be taught by an LTA coach over a 6 week period for nothing. There are 10,000 lessons on offer all over the country although I’m sure they’ll be very popular so do sign up quickly!

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This post is part of the #TennisForKids campaign with BritMums, sponsored by the Lawn Tennis Association in partnership with Highland Spring. You can sign up now for LTA’s FREE tennis lessons for your child – find out more here

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  • Carina April 9, 2016 at 11:15 pm

    Thanks Charly, all signed up, sounds like a fabulous opportunity for our girls x

  • angela hamilton April 11, 2016 at 11:50 am

    what a fantastic initiative!! I will look and see if they have anything near us x

  • Niki - Play & Learn Every Day April 11, 2016 at 12:44 pm

    That sounds fantastic, I’ll definitely be looking into it when the kids are a bit older 🙂

  • Coombe Mill - Fiona April 11, 2016 at 3:07 pm

    I love the sound of these lessons, such a great sport for kids to be involved in and this is a great initiative for anyone to be able to have a go.

  • Izzie Anderton April 11, 2016 at 6:37 pm

    What a brilliant initiative for getting our youngsters involved in tennis. The lessons sound amazing x

  • oana79 April 11, 2016 at 8:35 pm

    Thank you, Charly, I will check out to see if there are any in Northern Ireland and close to where we are, Emma has shown an interest in junior tennis after a session in school and would like to give her the opportunity to start a sport.xx

  • Kara Guppy April 12, 2016 at 6:45 am

    I have booked my two on :0)

  • JuggleMum, Nadine Hill April 12, 2016 at 9:52 am

    Coming from such sporty parents your daughter is certain to love the tennis lessons, I can’t wait to hear how she gets on!

  • Cass Bailey April 12, 2016 at 7:20 pm

    oooh thanks for sharing this – my two would love it x x

  • Jen April 12, 2016 at 10:10 pm

    My boys are too old for this, plus there isn’t anything close to us. Both of the boys have their own racket and we play in the park, but they can often be found outside playing in the street

  • John Adams April 13, 2016 at 6:53 am

    Great to see Pod getting on well with tennis. My Helen has developed a real love for the sport too! Maybe they’ll play each other one day??

  • Nichola - Globalmouse April 13, 2016 at 1:07 pm

    Oh brilliant thank you so much for sharing – I want my oldest two to start tennis lessons this spring so going to check this out now!

  • April 15, 2016 at 11:31 am

    These lessons really are a good thing. Loved your holiday tennis pics – they brought back really happy memories from our own Mark Warner break!

  • Penny April 19, 2016 at 1:31 pm

    I know how much you love tennis, it’s contagious! Wish I had had more time to try it at MW – too many water babies in our house! Mr G starts tennis today, can’t wait to see how he gets on this time. Hoping there will be no McEnroe type grumpy moments 😉

  • Liska @NewMumOnline April 21, 2016 at 11:22 am

    How fabulous that your passion for tennis has been passed on and how wonderful you got that centre court experience. It’s lovely to hear of someone going to MW before the ambassador days xx
    P.S. I always found my racket too heavy growing up so was more inclined to enjoy badminton xx

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