Fireworks at Stoke Park

The beginning of November was busy but we had to go to Stoke Park for their annual fireworks display. They always put on a really great show. From the amazing torchlight procession to a fairground and the main event – a fireworks extravaganza.

The fairground was abuzz when we arrived. POD opted for a brief spell on a trampoline before tucking into a sugary mouse. She took an interest in the Ghost Train until she realised even from the outside it was a little too spooky.

PODcast fireworks fair

We had a natter to some friends before heading over to a higher part of the park for the firework display. We were too far back to hear the commentary and music this year but it didn’t matter, we were still in for an absolute treat! The atmosphere really was great, partly because of the torches but also the anticipation – fireworks are ace!

PODcast fireworks 3POD sat on Daddy’s shoulders so she had a superb view, opting to keep her hands under his hat rather than keep her gloves on. She was a little apprehensive at first but enjoyed seeing the sky light up with shades of white, red and green. The fireworks were great.

PODcast fireworks 2Organised firework displays like this are brilliant and always build up to a crescendo of noise and colour. And less than half an hour’s walk from home. POD slept all the way back and for once made the transition from buggy to bed without opening her eyes.

PODcast fireworks

Linking up with #whatsthestory here on PODcast.

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  • You Baby Me Mummy November 17, 2014 at 7:22 am

    Fabulous pictures! Well done for the car cot transfer! Good work 🙂 x

  • Coombemill November 17, 2014 at 8:20 am

    Great fireworks, I find it so hard fumbling around for the best settings in the dark! Well done to you with an hour’s walk too.

  • Dean November 17, 2014 at 10:35 am

    Lovely photos of fireworks! I can never photograph them well. #whatsthestory.

  • Sophie Lovett November 17, 2014 at 6:24 pm

    That looks like a fantastic display, and you’ve captured it beautifully! I love fireworks – fortunately, like POD, Arthur seems to like them too 🙂 x