Exploring Whitmoor & Rickford Commons

The strangest thing happened recently, we discovered somewhere local we’ve not visited before. It’s not like we’re new to the area either as we’ve lived in Surrey for a number of years now. I drive past Whitmoor & Rickford Commons several times a week. But always when I’m en route to or from somewhere without having the luxury of being able to stop.

We’re lucky in that there is an abundance of places to visit in Surrey and the nearby counties. This was one of those days however when all three of us weren’t feeling 100% but had an overwhelming desire to blow away the cobwebs. We didn’t want to venture too far so we decided to have a quick wander at Whitmoor & Rickford Commons, partly to satisfy our curiosity. Of course, now we’ve been we’re kicking ourselves we’ve not visited sooner!

It turns out Whitmoor and Rickford Commons, situated on the outskirts of Guildford, is one of Surrey’s most precious habitats. Managed by the Surrey Wildlife Trust, Whitmoor and Rickford Commons is Site of Special Scientific Interest comprises of around 400 acres. It’s a haven for wildlife with sandy pathways through heathland and wetlands.

While the plan was for a quick walk, we ended up venturing further afield – fascinated by this wonderful nature reserve with its flora and fauna. We lucked out on the weather as it was a glorious day and while we passed a few dog walkers, it was largely peaceful – with just the sound of nature for company. The landscape was so varied from paths lined with gorse to oak trees and a boardwalk through the woods.

We had no idea where we were going but decided to follow the path and see where we ended up. Probably the best part was walking along overgrown paths while singing “We’re going on a bear hunt”! Does anyone else do that? It seemed totally normal at the time. Having been in Switzerland at the end of August, we returned to the UK to see the leaves falling from the trees. But this was our first taste of autumn with the bracken already beginning to brown and the acorns ripen.

Having headed out without a map, we cut back towards the direction of the car park taking a path across more heathland. The orange and yellow scenery set off wonderfully against a beautiful blue sky. We hadn’t realised at the time quite how large an area Whitmoor & Rickford Commons was so next time we’ll be better prepared with water and snacks. What an absolute delight to find somewhere local we’d not been to before. I just love that although it’s got me wondering if there is anywhere else we haven’t get discovered.

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