The B&W Photography Project | Week #8

Thank you to everyone that joined in with the Black and White Photography Project over these past days. After sharing a couple of lion photos,  this week is all about the detail.

One morning while walking POD to pre-school we stumbled across numerous dewy webs, many of which were broken. I’d not seen one like this before (or since!) so I’m glad I had my camera with me and was able to capture it.

How to join in 

To join in with the Black & White Photography Project, just link up a short post, with or without words, featuring a black and white photograph. You can link up a collection of black and white photographs too if you prefer. The photograph/s can be from any time – old and new are welcome. You’ll find a post on how to create better black and white photographs here.

Do share your photo on Instagram using #bwphotoproject (PODcast is here). You can also share your posts and photos in the B&W Photography Project Facebook Group.

The Black and White Photography Project runs every Sunday. The Linky is live from that day through to Saturday. If you include a link back to PODcast or the blog badge I’ll happily share your post for you.

Inspiration on Pinterest 

If you’re looking for inspiration, the Black & White Photography Project board has some awesome photographs.

Follow PODcast grappling with a box of frogs’s board Photography: B&W Photography Project on Pinterest.

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  • Sunday 31st August 2014 | TheBoyandMe August 31, 2014 at 1:08 am

    […] Linking up to My Sunday Photo and The Black & White Photography Project […]

  • TheBoyandMe August 31, 2014 at 1:10 am

    Stunning image, I am always in awe of your spider’s webs dew drop pictures, but it looks even more majestic in monochrome.

    Thanks for hosting!

  • teresa August 31, 2014 at 2:48 am

    i love spiderwebs, and i love this shot.
    have a great weekend! ♥

  • Sam August 31, 2014 at 6:45 am

    Stunning. Just when I think I’ve taken a half decent b&w photo I see yours and I’m blown away! Dew covered spiders webs are a photographers dream aren’t they? Up there with dandilion clocks and butterflies! 🙂 X

  • Louise August 31, 2014 at 7:23 am

    Absolutely stunning. The level of detail in this photo is amazing and the monochrome really makes it stand out. Beautiful photo 🙂

  • The Mummy Diary August 31, 2014 at 7:57 am

    I’ve been looking for a cobweb to snap a picture like this all week, saw on but it was too rainy. Will have to get outside to find another one this week. Amazing shot!

  • Me and the Tiny 3 » Web climber extraordinaire! August 31, 2014 at 8:04 am

    […] linking this to The black and White photo project why not head over and see everyone elses offerings this […]

  • Jaime Oliver August 31, 2014 at 8:24 am

    Charly thats stunning! the droplets of water look really striking in the black and white

  • Kate @ Family Fever August 31, 2014 at 8:33 am

    There is something magical about spider webs, and black and white shows it off to its best I think!

  • Susan Mann August 31, 2014 at 8:36 am

    What a stunning picture x

  • LauraCYMFT August 31, 2014 at 9:21 am

    Wow, that’s a gorgeous shot. Glad there are no spiders to be seen!

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  • Mary @ Over 40 and a Mum to One August 31, 2014 at 12:21 pm

    I’ve always loved this photo – looks like a pearl necklace – just beautiful

  • Funky Wellies August 31, 2014 at 2:26 pm

    So delicate… There is so much beauty in nature. 🙂 xx

  • Helen C August 31, 2014 at 9:01 pm

    Beautiful spider web, it works really well in black & white.

  • Claudia August 31, 2014 at 9:50 pm

    that picture is absolutely amazing Charly. like unreal almost…

  • YouBabyMeMummy September 3, 2014 at 8:01 am

    This is amazing and I am arachnophobic! Really pretty image x