A visit to the beach

We don’t get to stand on a beach and listen to the waves very often but recently we got to do exactly that. My dad lives in Devon and he’s walking distance away from the unspoiled Budleigh Salterton beach.

The views from the clifftop across the ocean and down towards the beach itself are wonderful. Even at this time of year when the beach huts have been removed for Winter.

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While we strolled along enjoyed our surroundings and the uncharacteristically mild weather, POD was eager to reach the beach. The look on her face says it all really!

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POD did find a new friend on the way though. From “what’s your name?” to “where do you live?” and “where is your sister?”, this seagull seemed mesmerised with what POD had to say.

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Others kept their distance and watched her from afar.

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There were no fisherman to be seen today but there were many great looking boats. These two almost resemble a postcard with the yellow tarpaulin and the sea in the background.

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There never used to be ridges on the beach but these are a permanent fixture following the storms early this year. It makes the walk to the waters edge an interesting one especially for POD’s little legs. She was still keen to follow Daddy though!

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Even if she did sit for a little while to hunt out treasure.

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The beach itself provided the perfect place to explore although POD kept a close eye on the waves. Every now and again a bigger one would appear and catch her by surprise.

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Seeing the sun reflecting on the water is not something you expect to see in December but I guess that what made it so special.

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We almost had this beautiful beach all to ourselves too.

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We didn’t make it to the far end where the rocks are to skim stones but we did have a nose at the nearby nature reserve before heading off.


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Just before the temperature dropped and the sun disappeared behind the clouds.

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Linking up with #whatsthestory here on PODcast.

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  • Louise December 29, 2014 at 12:07 am

    Beautiful photos, what a lovely place for a walk and such gorgeous sunny weather too (although I bet it was cold!) love the photo of POD chatting to the seagull 🙂

  • You Baby Me Mummy December 29, 2014 at 8:26 am

    Gorgeous! Love the shot of her having a little rest x #WhatsTheStory

  • Karen Bell December 29, 2014 at 2:14 pm

    Beautiful! What a lovely place to be on a gorgeous winters day. #WhatstheStory

  • Verily Victoria Vocalises December 29, 2014 at 4:09 pm

    What a stunning location. I love the one of POD chatting to the seagull – it looks like something from a story book 🙂 #WhatsTheStory

  • Sara (@mumturnedmom) December 29, 2014 at 9:32 pm

    How beautiful, stunning photos Charly. We went to the beach on Boxing Day and it was sunny like this, it was wonderful. Love the photo of POD chatting to the seagull xx

  • Louise Perry Fairweather December 30, 2014 at 9:18 pm

    Stunning photos – I would so love to live near the sea. We do try and go when we visit Mum but it’s not on their doorstep like your Dad x

  • Michelle Twin Mum December 31, 2014 at 12:25 am

    It’s been amazing weather, hasn’t it? We have a beach walk planned for NY day and I’m looking forward to it already. Happy New Year Charly. Mich x