A glorious day at Hatchlands Park

Originally built in the 1750’s for a naval hero and his wife, Hatchlands Park has since housed wealthy families, was a finishing school and even a printing press. Now the National Trust owned mansion is a family home containing tenant Alec Cobbe’s collection of paintings and fine furniture.

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It’s also home to Europe’s largest collection of keyboard instruments associated with the likes of Bach, Chopin, Elgar and Bizet and the work of architect Robert Adam can be seen in the ceilings and fireplaces throughout the house. The house (and gardens) are open four afternoons a week between April and October with the surrounding parkland and Kitchen Cafe open all year round.

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We love Hatchlands Park as it’s local to us in Surrey and with 400 acres of parkland, provides POD with ample opportunities to explore. There are five marked walks available although on this occasion we just headed in the direction that took our fancy.

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Although we didn’t intend to go to the cafe first, it does happen sometimes. The coffee and cake at Hatchlands is very good though! After a quick pit stop, refuelled and read to go we spent a short time chatting with the nearby cows before going on our merry way. They were almost close enough to stroke, not that you’d attempt to do that to an animal with horns that’s far larger than you are!

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POD loves the Wizard Wix Willow Warren natural playground at Hatchlands but having only been there a few days earlier, we headed in a different direction. We didn’t venture far at that point as there was an event on and POD was really keen to ride a pony.

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After a wander and a spot of jumping, we headed back towards the house where the ponies would be. POD waited patiently in the queue, occupying herself with some whinny impressions! You could tell she was excited about getting on the pony as her helmet was swiftly on and she was ready to go in no time. POD got to ride a beautiful little black pony, she loved holding the mane and trotting round with one of the trainers. She seemed quite taken by it, I’m sure she would have taken it home given the opportunity.

There were a number of other activities on the day we were at Hatchlands including children’s trails, crafts in a marquee and garden games. POD rather liked the space hoppers although she probably spent more time rolling around the grass than actually hopping! That said she did have a go on one far to big for her and did pretty well.

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With it being such a glorious day, we had a quick lolly break before heading back out to the parkland on the hunt for trees to climb. POD has always been a climber and although a girly girl, she’ll always be the first up a tree. Unless the POD Father gets there first!

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There are times she attempts to climb trees with branches that are much higher than her! This beautiful ancient one proved too much of a challenge although she did perch on the convenient little ledge in its trunk for a short time.

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But then she found a perfectly felled tree just asking to be climbed. It was enormous so having walked along it, there was only one thing to do – launch herself off the other end. A process, as you’d expect, she repeated several times!

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Having spent quite a while climbing and jumping we left the tree and headed off to explore an area we’d not come across before. It’s funny how that happens when you think you know every inch of somewhere!

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But just up from the tree we spotted this pond rife with wildlife. On such a fabulously sunny day, it was a great place to sit for a little while and watch the ducks before heading back towards the car.

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Hatchlands Park truly is beautiful and we always enjoy our time there. On this occasion, we only decided to go on the spur of the moment. Sometimes those kind of days are the best and this one really was.

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  • Coombe Mill September 14, 2015 at 12:28 pm

    It looks like you had a great time exploring the fields and open spaces at Hatchlands Park It’s great to see POD enjoying her time running around climbing trees, meeting the cows and riding the pony. The spur of the moment days are always the best days out.

  • Sara | mumturnedmom September 14, 2015 at 2:51 pm

    Spur of the moment days are often the best. This looks like a lovely walk, and those jumps! POD really is fearless! What a beautiful day you had x

  • Louise Fairweather September 14, 2015 at 9:06 pm

    I love the photo of POD about to jump!

  • Michelle Twin Mum September 15, 2015 at 5:08 pm

    I love coming to your blog as it reveals to me all sorts of places to visit when I’m at my parents. It looks like lots of fun was had and that picture of POD diving off the log is amazing (if a bit scary!). Mich x

  • angela hamilton September 16, 2015 at 1:42 pm

    looks like everyone had a wonderful day. I love getting the kids out to explore

  • Sonia September 17, 2015 at 1:12 pm

    What a wonderful place to visit, POD looks like she is having the time of her life 🙂

  • Stephs Two Girls September 17, 2015 at 2:08 pm

    Love the jumping photos… but then again, love ALL your photos, always! Looks fab there x

  • Jen aka Muminthemadhouse September 17, 2015 at 4:02 pm

    I love the pictures of Pod jumping in to Daddy’s arms and also the one of her against the tree trunk, it makes her looks so small. I lobe it when kids love to run, jump and climb

  • Liz Burton September 17, 2015 at 4:34 pm

    The horns on those cows!!! Not sure I’d fancy getting that close, beautiful as they are.

    Looks like a lovely place for a day out, gorgeous photos as ever.

  • Cass@frugalfamily September 17, 2015 at 6:09 pm

    I love places like this where the kids can just get outside and have fun x

  • Globalmouse September 17, 2015 at 8:53 pm

    Wow this looks like an amazing place to visit, I love National Trust places, they’re the best. Great photos.

  • Penny September 18, 2015 at 10:26 am

    I love the leaping shots. Isn’t it magical when you find a place where you can just be outdoors and the new discoveries don’t stop coming? I love NT places, reminds me of our favourite, Calke in Derbyshire.

  • Sarah Bailey September 18, 2015 at 10:04 pm

    Wow what an absolutely stunning look place to spend some time. x

  • Fritha Strickland September 20, 2015 at 12:57 pm

    I love POD’s dress! Where is it from? We hardly get out to National Trust places as we don’t drive which is a shame, this one looks great x

  • Kara September 21, 2015 at 8:14 am

    She looks so cute in her riding hat but so tiny against that tree. Stunning photos as ever xx