Handbags and gladrags

What a wonderful summer it’s been, jeans and boots seem a distant memory. Instead this staple attire has been replaced, for the most part, with beautifully cool maxi dresses. A superb choice if you’re lounging around perfecting the arm and triangle on the chest tan. Less so if you’re chasing a toddler whilst juggling all their clobber.

I hope over time seeing my dress sucked into an escalator is erased from my memory. I’m thankful to the stranger that rescued me from what could have been a memorable bra and pants moment. Not a good look at Marble Arch in rush hour. How we laughed about it afterwards.

With the time I have to shower, dress and apply make-up averaging around 13 minutes, maxi dresses have become my go to items this season. These can easily be dressed up with heels, jewellery and most importantly a decent handbag.

With the days of spending hours on the perfect outfit and hairstyle long gone, it’s about how quickly you can achieve the right look. With the minimum amount of effort. This whilst taking into account the bathroom is no longer a place of privacy and your toddler will empty your handbag as quickly as you fill it.

It can be remarkably tricky walking in heels whilst holding a two-year-old. I find having some kind of support nearby to be reassuring. As I discovered recently 4 inch heels and gravel really don’t mix. An across the body or shoulder bag is ideal in this situation so you have both arms free. I found a great selection of handbags here which are suitable for all scenarios.

It’s going to seem strange when we have to pack away our summer clothes and replace them with winter woollies. I like to think we can enjoy fun in the sun for just a little bit longer.

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. All views expressed here are my own.

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  • anna August 30, 2013 at 1:52 pm

    omg at dress in escalator!!! that is scary!

    • Charly Dove August 31, 2013 at 10:13 am

      It was a special moment Anna 🙂

  • HonestMum August 30, 2013 at 2:44 pm

    Oh no, dress in escalator-it would ended up without it knowing me-my toddler used to pull my dresses down at the supermarket check out too-argh!

    • Charly Dove August 31, 2013 at 10:39 am

      It was a scary moment but very funny afterwards! Funny POD likes pulling on my dress too 🙂

  • Lisa August 30, 2013 at 5:15 pm

    I think Miranda’s already done the dress-in-escalator thing! Seriously though, must’ve have been a little scary?! Well done on remaining glamorous throughout 🙂

    • Charly Dove August 31, 2013 at 10:40 am

      Brilliant that would be a great sketch, not seen that one. It was scary but then funny afterwards 🙂

  • Mummy of Two August 30, 2013 at 8:25 pm

    I love a maxi dress but that escalator episode sounds scary! I can’t wait for winter, I love putting my jeans and boots back on with a big cuddly jumper!

    • Charly Dove August 31, 2013 at 10:42 am

      It was scary but funny afterwards. I love wearing boots and cosy woollies too, will be weird though won’t it!

  • Izzie Anderton September 1, 2013 at 5:43 pm

    That must have been a very scary moment in the escalator! Absolutely adore maxi dresses though and here’s to getting to wear them for a few more weeks.