Horse Club Riding Centre from Schleich

Five year old POD has only ridden a handful of times. This has mostly been locally in Surrey although she did get the opportunity to be led round (by us!) at an equestrian centre in Le Touquet a few months ago. She certainly doesn’t ride regularly although the delight in her face when she does is undeniably infectious! The Horse Club Riding Centre from Schliech is perfect for imaginative play regardless of whether you ride or not. Even the POD Father said “wow that’s incredible” when he first saw it.

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The quality of the Schleich Horse Club Riding Centre and the attention to detail (right down to the movable locks on the stable doors!) is superb. It was surprisingly easy to assemble too. You pretty much just clip the sides to the base, add the stables, each of which opens and closes once in place, and clip the fencing together. The set has been designed with limitless pretend play in mind as all three sections of the roof are simple to put in place – and easily removable. Not only that, one side of the set is completely open – the other three with opening and closing doors.

The Schleich Horse Club Riding Centre (RRP £99.99) comes with two horses, a jockey, window boxes and a whole host of extras – reigns, a saddle, hay bales, pitch fork, food, grooming brushes and a box with an opening lid. There are also stable accessories that clip on inside and out – all with minimal effort. In essence, everything POD could possibly need to create her own stable scene – with a sheet of stickers enabling her to personalise it.

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It’s testament to how good a product is when it’s played with every day, the stable was pretty much a permanent fixture on our kitchen table for a good week or so before finding a home in POD’s bedroom. Her ability to “neigh” is quite something now and the stories she creates around this set continually change. Much of her activity has focused on the horses going on adventures although there’s been a fair bit of racing! The middle section of the roof is free standing so it doubles up as a competition (or exercise) arena with fencing around it to stop the horses escaping.

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Inside the stable, POD has learnt about mucking out and likes to ensure everything is in tip top condition and hanging in the right place. She always makes sure the horses have enough food and water. At night time, the horses (and  Stegosaurus friend separate to this set) lie down for a sleep together! There will no doubt be hours more fun to be had with the The Schleich Horse Club Riding Centre – it even fits POD’s bedroom table perfectly!

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Disclaimer: We received the Schleich UK Horse Club Riding Centre for the purpose of this review. Opinions are as always our own. 

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