The B&W Photography Project | Week #87

We saw POD in her first Stagecoach performance on Saturday – she was a fairy in Peter Pan. I took a few photos of her in the garden when we got back, one of which was her launching herself off her playhouse into Daddy’s arms. What struck me looking back at the images is how much she’s grown up especially since she started school. Not just as a person either, she looks so much taller all of a sudden. This photograph was taken in the latter part of last year when headbands round the forehead were commonplace. She even used to wear one at bedtime, aptly named ‘the bedtime headband’. Makes me thankful to have a blog so we can look back and remind ourselves of moments we might otherwise forget.

Welcome to week #87 of the Black and White Photography Project. If you’re new here, this is a really simple project to get involved with – just link up any monochrome photograph. With words or without, it’s entirely up to you. Your images don’t need to be from the past week either so you can pick and choose what you want to share. If you new to black and white photography, check out these tips which will give you a steer on what you can do. Most important is just having fun with it! Don’t forget you can also share your photograph on Instagram using #bwphotoproject – or just join in there if you prefer.

Feel free to grab the #bwphotoproject badge (a monochrome one is here) and check out your fellow bloggers photos. The Black and White Photography Project is open every Sunday until the following Saturday so there’s ample time to join in.


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