The Stepping Stones Walk at Box Hill

Box Hill in the North Downs is renowned for its panoramic views and for cyclists, its iconic climbs. Owned and managed by the National Trust, the popular beauty spot lies within the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. There are several walks you can undertake at Box Hill and we’ve mostly gone for the Nature Play Trail which POD loves as it’s a lot of fun. As she’s got older we’ve been able to explore a bit more with the circular hilltop stroll another favourite. There are several other trails available (from the gentle to the strenuous) but one walk in particular has eluded us thus far – the stepping stone walk. I’ve been itching to do it for ages but with 275 steps to get to the stones, we figured it would be too much for five year old POD.

So early one morning, having heard it takes about an hour, I headed off camera in hand to check it out. It’s well signposted and there are maps available so it’s an easy to follow route. The views from Salomons Memorial are pretty special, you can see the River Mole and on a clear day you can see for miles. The steps are just a little further along on the left – they start off fairly wide but can be steep on occasions so I took it slow at times. I can be a bit clumsy so better to be safe than sorry especially with an SLR swinging round my neck! It didn’t take long to reach a fork in the path where you can either go straight ahead to the stones or right towards the footbridge.

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Although I knew the stones would most likely be covered at this time of year, I was keen to have a look. It’s such a beautiful little spot, very little noise either other than the sound of the river and a few birds singing. I’m itching to cross those stones now but that will have to wait. Instead I walked along the path next to the river, passing snowdrops as I went, up to the footbridge. It’s glorious here, again being so early meant I pretty much had the area to myself, with the exception of a couple of dog walkers. I do like that although nothing beats POD’s squeals of delight when we’re out as a family.

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PODcast 6B5A4729The footbridge leads to Burford Meadow where there is a wooded chalk cliff known as the Whites. It’s a magnificent part of the walk and such a contrast to the coming down the steps as they’re lined with beautiful yew trees on both sides. Thankfully this walk doesn’t entail walking back up the 275 steps although I did realise at this point I’d have to walk back up at some point. The flat of Burford Bridge on the other side of Burford Meadow was a welcome relief.

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PODcast 6B5A4757I ended up joining the wide grassy path at the bottom instead of mid way up although it was great exercise for my legs and the views were quite staggering. You’d get really fit doing this walk on a regular basis, sadly I’m not so I took it slowly although I did get distracted by the views! At the top of the grassy path I continued upward then took a left towards a former military fort. The old fort is one of 13 built in the 1890’s to protect London from invasion. It’s not open to visitors and inhabited by bats who are a protected species in the UK. Having made it back to the cafe, the final stop was a quick sit down with a coffee and a snack before heading home. Just glorious!

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Linking up with Heledd at Running in Lavender for #MyCapturedMoment 

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  • Foz February 26, 2016 at 4:19 pm

    Stunning pictures and views! Looks like the perfect place for a walk.

  • Heledd - Running in Lavender February 26, 2016 at 9:19 pm

    Oh Charly these pictures are amazing!! So beautiful, you really know how to use that camera of yours. Do you know we’ve been to Box Hill so many times but have never seen the stepping stones or this food bridge. Next time, I’m going on the hunt! Thank you for linking up to #MyCapturedMoment xx

  • Ness February 26, 2016 at 11:23 pm

    I used to love going birdwatching at Box Hill years ago. Have you come across the gravestone of the man who insisted on being buried upside down?!

  • JuggleMum, Nadine Hill February 27, 2016 at 8:00 am

    I love the contrast of the still water and the running water on the stepping stones photo. You’ve captured some lovely images there and I bet you’d get a totally different mood if you shot the same things on a sunny day – it all works perfectly, well done!

  • Sonya Cisco February 27, 2016 at 8:23 am

    Oh my that first picture is A-MA-Zing – I mean they are all gorgeous, as always, but that one is stunning! Looks like a lovely place to visit – isn’t it lovely to see all the signs of Spring – I am so ready for it!

  • Helen Neale February 27, 2016 at 6:14 pm

    Really beautiful place and pictures you took really capture the mood and the beauty of Boy Hill.

  • Zara February 27, 2016 at 7:30 pm

    I LOVE your photographs! The size of the hills, the tiny snowdrops. The bridge and the water with the stepping stones are by far my favourite. The whole post is so gorgeous and relaxing. The last shot made me want to touch the screen because of the amount of texture you’ve capture.

  • Kara February 28, 2016 at 9:38 am

    Gorgeous pictures – it looks like a fun walk. Not sure I would trust the kids not to fall in though lol

  • Izzie Anderton February 28, 2016 at 11:28 am

    Thanks for sharing your gorgeous photos of Box Hill. It looks like a fabulous place to visit and I imagine it’s even more beautiful during the summer months x

  • Kirsty Hijacked By Twins February 28, 2016 at 10:03 pm

    Wow such beautifully stunning pictures. It looks like a great place to escape everything and just enjoy nature. Hope you have a good week x #mycapturedmoment

  • Mrs H February 28, 2016 at 11:15 pm

    These are the most stunning photographs. And that walk looks and sounds amazing. I would definitely be itching to walk over those stepping stones too. I am sure you are very excited about heading back there in the summer and hot footing it over them. #MyCapturedMoment. Hugs Lucy xxxx

  • Jen February 29, 2016 at 10:22 am

    There is something amazing about stepping stops. There are some at Fountains Abbey near us and the boys adore them. I have to say that first photo is breathtaking. It really is. You need to make some postcards or notecards with you pictures on and sell them.

  • Sonia February 29, 2016 at 10:28 am

    I’m not sure I would fancy walking over those stepping stones. We have a place with stepping stones near us and it is always a lovely place to go and visit, the kids just love walking over them and it is one of my favourite memories from being a child too 🙂 Gorgeous photos xx

  • oana79 March 1, 2016 at 12:09 pm

    Stunning pictures, you have inspired me to set one morning a week aside for myself and my camera!xx

  • Rosie Corriette March 2, 2016 at 6:41 pm

    Wow, stunning pictures! I can’t believe I live less than half an hour away and i’ve never done the stepping stones walk – definitely one to add to this year’s list 🙂

  • Nichola - Globalmouse March 4, 2016 at 10:13 am

    Your photos are absolutely gorgeous – what a great place to get out anad blow away the cobwebs!

  • Ninjacat March 4, 2016 at 6:20 pm

    Breathe taking looks amazing I’d love to go on a photo walk with you