Two weeks Thinking Slimmer with Slimpod

Having last posted about Thinking Slimmer with Slimpod the day before I started, two weeks in seems as good a time as any to share an update. If you’ve not come across it before, Slimpod is a clinically proven nine-minute podcast which transforms how you feel about food and yourself. I’m trialling the Slimpod Gold 12 week programme which includes a Slimpod, Fitpod and Chillpod. If like me you’re not a fan of diets and don’t fancy counting calories either, Slimpod is the ideal solution. It trains your brain each day to instinctively make healthier choices, eat less and be more active. But is it actually working?

Well yes it is. I listen to my podcast every day, it’s short so easy to fit into my schedule. ‘Trevor’, the voice of my podcast, has such relaxing tone and you take on board what he’s saying even if you’re not listening. That’s what’s great though – it doesn’t matter because he’s talking to my sub-conscience. Yes really.

When I began the programme I had to weigh myself which was interesting as I’d not done it in months. Although Slimpod is all about getting into the clothes you love and feeling good about yourself, it’s good to have a start point. I also measured my neck, chest, waist, biceps, hops and thighs so I can see progress. I know from past experience when I was exercising a lot, and seemingly losing nothing, heading to the scales wasn’t especially helpful. Slimpod has rather cleverly pulled together a success log which enables you to write down your goals and measure three daily successes. It’s a brilliant idea as it means you make a note of the positive things that might otherwise pass you by like thinking less about food, not snacking (especially when working from home!) and resisting the urge to guzzle wine.

Being active is just as important as making healthier eating choices. Although I’ve been rushing around a lot recently, I’d not figured out what my fitness regime should be. There’s a gym locally but my record isn’t great when it comes to regular attendance despite starting off well. It’s just a bit boring too when you compare to a sport such as tennis which we used to play all the time. I have however bought Davina’s new 7 minute fit DVD and I’ll be giving it a test drive from Monday.

So what impact has Slimpod had so far? 

Slimpod has made a huge difference already. I’m not continually thinking about food now nor am I snacking and if I do I think about what I eat. We’re making healthier choices, less red meat and more chicken, vegetables and fruit and I’m loving yoghurts again. I’ve developed a love for mashed banana on toast which five-year-old POD adores just as much as I do. I’m still not drinking enough water but I’ve drunk less coffee and only one glass of wine in two weeks. And I’ve had no chocolate, crisps or creamy desserts! Although I didn’t intend to weigh myself until the end of the 12 week programme, I did as I felt like I’d lost weight. Amazingly, I’ve lost 5lbs already and 3 inches from round my waist. That’s pretty incredible. I’m not sure how that’s possible but it’s a pretty good start don’t you think?

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  • mama syder February 10, 2016 at 1:22 pm

    Wow, great results already! Well Done! I’ve heard good things about Slimpod, keen to see how you get on x