Decorating eggs with a toddler

IMG_9221Whilst there’s a degree of creativity in our household, you need two steady hands to decorate eggs. I’m already one down from a previous wrist break and I’m attempting craft. With a toddler.

The craft book suggested first off we break each egg in half and join them back together with glue. Clearly asking the impossible we boiled the eggs instead.

Once they’d cooled down, the first job was to glue tissue paper to them. POD ‘helped’ while stabbing the pens we were going to draw on the eggs with into the table. She was then given her own egg to draw on and a stencil. Both were held together in an egg box.

IMG_9232POD’s allergic to eggs so drawing on one caused much excitement. Until the egg shell smashed. Unsurprisingly the stencil was a waste of time, for POD and for me. It was an impossible task trying to hold it onto an egg and colour in the gaps at the same time. We did try. Shortly afterwards however the egg was launched over POD’s shoulder closely followed by a “bellyolly” book and some tissue paper.

After much huffing and puffing POD made a discovery. If you blow on tissue paper it goes everywhere. I’m sure she waited until I had the entire packet loose on the table before she gave it go. Squares of tissue paper littered the table and floated to the kitchen floor reminiscent of a weird butterfly collection. Attempting to catch them mid flight, I realised my hands were covered in glue.

IMG_9231The craft book suggested we stick tissue paper to half of each egg, wait for it to dry and repeat the process. Not an option with a toddler. I decided if I was really careful I could cover each egg sufficiently. Although my fingers did get stuck to the eggs on several occasions, it was achievable. We stopped our craft experiment when POD started drawing blue circles on the table.

Once the tissue paper had dried on the eggs, I was expecting to decorate them. But despite giving them a good covering, they really needed a coat of paint. POD would also paint. Within thirty minutes each egg was looking more respectable and POD had created ten paintings. She’d also added some brown swirls to the table (a “babbit) and made paint gloves for her hands.

I was genuinely looking forward to decorating the eggs but it wasn’t to be. Little flowers looked like splodges of bird poop and we already knew the stencil was a big fail. Arm yanking really didn’t help our creativity levels either. We decided to have some fun with the eggs instead as you’ll see from the photos.

This post is for Wot So Funee? which this week is being run by Just a Normal Mummy. If you’re new to Wot So Funee? you can click the link for more info on how to get involved.

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  • WallyMummy March 28, 2013 at 1:51 pm

    Wow – those are amazing! If I had managed those I would have probably given myself a week off parenthood to celebrate and made up a special dance in my own honour or something… lol x Thanks so much for linking jp with Wot’s So #Funee 🙂 Awesome post xxx

    • Charly Dove March 28, 2013 at 2:11 pm

      You’re really too kind although I did do a special dance! It’s a challenge doing craft with POD, she just likes to hurl everything off the table. Much like WallyBubba I’m sure! Have a lovely Easter x

  • The Beesley Buzz March 28, 2013 at 10:08 pm

    Totally agree with Wally Mummy – those eggs look fabulous! I tried blowing eggs to decorate this year and after ending up with a mouthful of raw egg yolk (I still can’t get rid of that taste out my mouth) i can fully understand why hard boiled eggs are more appealing. Happy Easter xxx

  • Charly Dove March 28, 2013 at 10:38 pm

    I’m sure you’re both trying to humour me. I was pleased we could do something rather than they end up in the bin! I heard about blowing eggs after I’d boiled mine, so glad I didn’t do that. Sounds like you’re still traumatised. Happy Easter to you too xx

  • Coombemill April 2, 2013 at 9:51 pm

    They are fab creations in their own right as the others have said. I did laugh at the tissue paper all over the floor. I would have given up long before. Tip for next year. Hard boil the eggs in water with food colour, then you don’t need to paint them!

    • Charly Dove April 2, 2013 at 10:02 pm

      You are a genius, that’s a brilliant idea. This craft book is laughing at me I tell you laughing!!!

  • Actually Mummy... April 5, 2013 at 12:07 am

    You see this is why I don’t craft. Never turns out like it should!
    Sorry I’m late, just catching up on last week’s funees now I’m back 🙂

    • Charly Dove April 5, 2013 at 7:34 am

      Ditto, we shouldn’t do it either! Welcome back, look forward to hearing all about it 🙂

  • Jaime Oliver April 6, 2013 at 9:37 pm

    love this, i am so OCD about mess that i need to get a grip and have some fun!

    • Charly Dove April 6, 2013 at 10:12 pm

      Thanks lovely. I know what you mean, I’m less OCD though since having POD. It is fun doing all this stuff, the challenge is finishing it!!

  • ghostwritermummy April 15, 2013 at 6:03 am

    Oh these look great!

    • Charly Dove April 15, 2013 at 8:03 am

      Thank you, messy play fun with a toddler 🙂

  • Suzanne3childrenandit May 26, 2013 at 9:13 am

    Ooh I love these! And you little girl is such a cutie! How do you get those photos to scroll like that – they’re gorgeous 🙂

    • Charly Dove May 26, 2013 at 9:19 am

      Thanks Suzanne, they were nearly a disaster!!! I’ve got a slide bar option on the blog which is great as I upload way too many photos 🙂