More brilliant games from Megableu

Last month we reviewed two excellent games from Megableu – Creepy Hand which is based on truth or dare and Ghost Hunt Evolution which involves shooting ghosts and bats in a darkened room. Both are really great fun with the highlights (while playing Creepy Hand) definitely the POD Father’s cow impression, POD pretending to be a gorilla and their arm wrestle! You can see our review of Creepy Hand and Ghost Hunt Evolution here.

Megableu recently sent us three more brilliant games to try out – Cobra Attack, Alien Mission and Trickin’ Camel. All of these games are suitable for age 5+ and 1 or more players.

Alien Mission is perfect for anyone with a desire to be a secret agent and battle aliens! You’ll need 3 AAA batteries for the alien mission goggles and the same for the electronic gun. You then just need to synchronise the gun and select your level of difficulty – easy, average or difficult. We went with easy initially and worked our way up as we became familiar with the game. We especially enjoyed playing in the dark but you don’t have to. The game works by images of green aliens and red robots appearing on the screen of the goggles. The job of each ‘agent’ is to blast the aliens, with a point given for each invader shot. If you hit a robot by accident, a point is deducted so you have to be careful! POD really enjoyed this game although as you can imagine got a little trigger happy as soon as Mummy had the goggles on!

PDOcast Alien Mission

POD was really looking forward to playing Trickin’ Camel, so much so she told everyone at school and after school club about it! In short there are three challenges – a guessing game, a memory game and a speed game. To set up, you need 3 AA batteries and a little water (a pipette is provided). For the guessing challenge, a red light flashes to signify the start of the game and we pressed it to begin. We then had to follow the flashing lights, selecting the one we thought was the last to light up – red, yellow or green. If we got it wrong, the camel would spit as POD discovered when she was least expecting it!

Once the first challenge is completed, the middle light flashes yellow. Each player then has to remember a light sequence and copy it. The camel spat if a mistake was made – successful players can take a bottle out of the crate. The final challenge is a speed game which kicks off when the lamp flashes green. Each player has to press the corresponding button as soon as possible to make the sequence stop. Mistakes will continue to see the camel spit with other players rewarded with a bottle. But watch out, Trickin’ Camel is a cheeky chap and may launch all the bottles out of his crate if you’re not careful!

PODcast Trickin' Camel

The concept of Cobra Attack is simple and it’s great fun to play (you need 4 AA batteries). POD decided it was necessary to wear pyjamas. The idea of the game is to rescue an emerald jewel from a basket before the snake jumps out and catches you! There are 3 levels of difficulty and the winner is the player that succeeds in taking the jewel five times without waking the snake.

We found the game was best played by placing the basket on the table so we had lots of space. We then took it in turns to stand by the door, doing silly dances as we approached the table. That’s not in the rules but seemed appropriate somehow! The more the snake jumped out of the basket, the quicker we got at trying to retrieve the jewel meaning we woke the snake on far too many occasions!

PODcast Cobra Attack

The short film below will give you a sneaky peek at Cobra Attack and Trickin’ Camel. The laughter is completely out of control especially at the beginning. Sorry about that.

Win £150 worth of games from Megableu 

Megableu Games is giving UK residents the opportunity to win Trickin’ Camel, Cobra Attack, Alien Mission, Creepy Hand and Ghost Hunt Evolution. Yes that’s FIVE fantastic games (worth £150) delivered to you in time for Christmas. You can enter here but hurry, you only have until 6th December before the competition ends!

PODcast Megableu games 6B5A9978

Megableu games are available from Argos, Smyths, Firebox, Toys R Us, Toymaster, Amazon, Debenhams and Tobar.

We received Trickin’ Giraffe, Cobra Attack and Alien Mission for the purpose of this review. Opinions are as always our own. 

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  • Sarah Bailey November 30, 2015 at 5:56 pm

    Haha what some fun and unique sounding games! x

  • Sonia December 1, 2015 at 11:02 am

    Our favourite is Trickin’ Camel, the kids have not stopped playing with it since it arrived, great review x

  • Win £150 of games from Megableu | PODcast December 3, 2015 at 11:18 pm

    […] Click here to see our review of Trickin’ Camel, Cobra Attack and Alien Mission. […]

  • Stephen December 6, 2015 at 4:31 pm

    They all sound brilliant, especially Cobra Attack. My sister pop up pirate as a child and ended up with a black eye when it jumped out!

  • tanya December 11, 2015 at 9:51 pm

    My children are at an age where they’re just getting into ‘board’ games, these look great.