Exploring the world of macro photography

Capturing flowers has always been something I’ve enjoyed but over recent years, I’ve really developed a passion for macro photography. The world of floral is fascinating and it’s wonderful to really appreciate what’s around you.

I love the grandeur of a public garden landscaped to perfection and the grace a field brings – whether lavender, oilseed rape or poppies. But there are a wealth of opportunities closer to home too. Capturing a yellow sunflower head against a blue sky for example makes a great photograph. For me though, the excitement is deep rooted in what’s beyond that.

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The most interesting part of a flower is the inside. I love to get as close as possible so I can capture this magical world and let others see it. I suspect it’s a bit of an addiction photographing a specific part of a flower.

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The core of the flower delivers such an astounding level of detail though not to mention colour, texture and shape. Mother nature is very clever.

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I use a 60mm lens for my macro photography these days but there are many ways to take close-up photographs. From camera phones with attachments to compact and bridge cameras, mirrorless cameras and of course SLR’s. This post summaries some of the options.

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What I enjoy about macro photography is discovering something that would otherwise be missed by the naked eye. Like this rain drop on the cusp of falling.

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If you’d like to link up your close-up photographs, you can do it here on PODcast or on Instagram using #macrophotoproject. 

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  • PODcast | The Macro Photography Project | August August 1, 2015 at 6:10 pm

    […] time we’re focusing on exploring the world of macro photography so feel free to have a nose if you’d like a sneaky peek into my world. You can also link up […]

  • Notmyyearoff August 2, 2015 at 5:03 am

    It’s so true, I wouldn’t have noticed those vibrant colours or details at all if you hadn’t shot it in macro, even though you can see it once you step back again and see the overall picture. Amazing detail!

  • Mrs TeePot August 2, 2015 at 10:08 am

    Wow, truly stunning photos. I love macro too but don’t have a macro lens, I know I don’t *need* one, but I really want one!

  • Mary @ Over 40 and a Mum to One August 3, 2015 at 10:21 pm

    Just stunning, I love the different colours within the seed head itself, beautiful