Project 365: weeks #33 and #34

August has ended up being an especially busy month for us even though we’re not on school holidays. It’s not to say we haven’t squeezed in a little fun these past two weeks though. Peppa Pig World and Whipsnade Zoo were definitely the highlights although POD made for a mean pirate!

Welcome to Project 365 | Weeks #33 and #34.

Day 221

One of POD’s friends had a pirate party today. Not only did Daddy make the best costume ever, there was a pirate ship to play on too.

Sat pirate

Day 222

A busy day today catching up on lots of admin. Photographed these wonderful Meze headphones for a review, we absolutely love them! We also told POD we were going to Peppa Pig World the following day. She took ages to go to sleep she was so excited.


Day 223

POD announced she loved Peppa Pig World before we’d even entered Paulton’s Park – she squealed when she saw Grandpa Pig! We had the best day seeing the characters, checking out the rides and exploring the gardens. You can read ‘That Moment When They First See Peppa Pig World’ on the Paulton’s Park site.


This is one of the official photographs taken inside Madam Gazelle’s School. Just look at the joy on POD’s face, she can barely contain herself!

Mon 2

Day 224

Back to the usual working routine today. An incredibly busy one but lots done. Came across this beauty when I popped out.


Day 225

The latter part of the week is currently spent working in London. Although not the same as oggling at blooms, I do love the architecture including the old theatres.


Day 226

After work on Thursday, I met up with a friend for dinner near Waterloo. Heading over the bridge it was inevitable rain was on its way!


Day 227

It’s great spotting blooms in London, few and far between usually. Every now and again you get a wonderful surprise like this one.


Day 228

It was a day of  playing catch-up today. Daddy kept POD entertained with a spot of animal sticking in preparation for our trip to Whipsnade Zoo.


Day 229

Today we were able to surprise POD with a TOMY Stack Track. She loves Chuggington and was so excited when the first track was built. It provided hours of fun and we’re looking forward to putting it through its paces!

Sunday 2

Day 230

Today was my birthday so we headed over to Whipsnade Zoo in Buckinghamshire. I used to visit as a child and have been itching to go back. It was far grander than I imagined and having the access we had to the animals was great. I loved this giraffe, probably the best eyelashes ever!


The lions were amazing too. I had a feeling this chap would turn around so I just stood with my camera attached to my face until he did. It’s almost like he saw me! I absolutely loved photographing the larger animals

Mon 2

and POD had a great time too. Here she is doing her best roar ever!

Mon 3

Day 231

A hectic day today but a good one with lots done before the week’s commute to London.

Tuesday (2)

Day 232

I lived in London for 20 years before moving to Surrey. Every now and again I see something I’ve not seen before. Like a restaurant absolutely surrounded with flowers and arches made of leaves. In Drury Lane of all places.


Day 233

In London slightly later than usual tonight following a drink after work.


Day 234

St Lincolns Inn, one of four Inns of Court in London, is such a peaceful place to walk through after work. Hard to believe it’s just off Chancery Lane.


Day 235

Today we embarked on a spot of blackberry picking. POD began by helpfully holding the bowl over her head, it didn’t last long. We did make a fabulous crumble though – blackberry, apple and raspberry. Yum yum!

Sat blackberries

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  • Sarah MumofThree World August 24, 2014 at 6:41 am

    Gorgeous pictures! I love all of your London pictures and the giraffe is beautiful! I’ve always wanted to visit Peppa Pig World, but my daughter is too old for it now. We should have made the effort to go when it first opened.

  • Notmyyearoff August 24, 2014 at 9:46 am

    You’ve had a gorgeous week photo wise. Whipsnsnade zoo looks fantastic and the giraffe is so lovely. I know what you mean about London. It’s a melting pot of crazy busy and then every so often you turn a corner and you could hear a pin drop for the silence and calm.

  • brinabird and son August 24, 2014 at 12:51 pm

    That is a fab pirate costume. Love that “roar” photo. I like your London photos.

  • CaroleHeidi August 24, 2014 at 7:42 pm

    I want Daddy to make me a pirate outfit too – that’s amazing!!
    Love the lion shot, those eys are just stunning.

  • Jo Laybourn August 24, 2014 at 10:56 pm

    Wonderful photo’s Charly. We LOVE Peppa Pig World too…..great place! I love the flower and the giraffe pics! #365

  • Kate @ Family Fever August 25, 2014 at 3:30 pm

    Lovely photos from the zoo, and POD’s face at Peppa Pig World is just lovely! The photo of London across the bridge is beuatiful, very peaceful. #365

  • Jaime Oliver August 25, 2014 at 3:56 pm

    what a fantastic set of pictures this week and what a super busy week! x

  • Kriss MacDonald August 25, 2014 at 7:22 pm

    Such a wonderful selection of photos Charly. The Inns of Court image took me down memory lane as years ago I used to walk through it every day on way to or back from work!

  • HPMcQ August 25, 2014 at 9:37 pm

    yay you made it to whipsnade! happy birthday x

  • chantelle hazelden (mamamummymum) August 26, 2014 at 8:15 am

    wow you lot have been busy. your pictures are always so full of detail, love them x

  • Elaine Livingstone August 28, 2014 at 1:25 pm

    love the architecture on the St Lincolns Inn, its amazing what they could build back then. Love the flowers at the Drury Lane restaurant, How nice of POD to hold the bowl up for you, bless her.
    Laughed at the roar picture.

  • Faded Seaside Mama August 29, 2014 at 5:57 pm

    Your London photos always make me so envious that you get to have the best of both worlds. I would have loved a job that gave me the chance to spend just some of the week there. The view from Waterloo Bridge is probably my favourite view of London. Glad Pod enjoyed PP World – we went when Bear was 6 weeks so she hasn’t really experienced it – we must get back!

  • TheBoyandMe August 31, 2014 at 11:12 pm

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365, there’s a new one live now.

  • OneDad3Girls September 1, 2014 at 7:47 pm

    Beautiful photos, I love the Whipsnade photos, it’s such a lovely place to take the children