Wot So Funee? | Toddler mockery

There’s nothing like a wake up call that involves having your toothbrush shoved in your mouth followed up with a book in the eye socket. Or a request to touch the ceiling. Or have a “doggert”.

This week POD learnt seagulls don’t frequent Surrey, if you blow a “backbirrrd” from inside the house nothing happens and not all birds are “peegins”. She now knows what tissues are for after responding “in my mouth” when asked where bogeys go. Also “tellytape” is useful sticky stuff that reconstructed a Little Library of Peppa books after it was used as a shoe.

We have a new game. Daddy pretends to be a “bitgarey” by making scary noises and POD runs to Mummy as fast as her little legs will carry her. POD finds this funnier than eating with her fingers, pouring milk on the table or hiding under the bed at bathtime. Even better though is having a “gagganegg” (dragon egg) in the house with a real “gaggan” living in it. This is a failed attempt at stopping POD run off with a breakable stone egg. It’s escalated out of control.

At “dory” time questioning has reached a whole new level:

“Whatsatt?” Igglepiggle’s eye

“Whatsatt?” Igglepiggle’s nose

“Whatsatt?” Igglepiggle’s mouth


“Whatsatt?” Igglepiggle’s eyelid

So in a room where POD’s dollies are lined up, stripped and thrown like headed javelins, I am totally being laughed at.

Illustrators I thank you for drawing an animal in the background of a book that could pass as a dog, a goat or a pig. And ladybirds that woof, what were you thinking? You’re not helping me here. Especially when a few pages later you refer to said ladybird as a ‘sheep ladybird’. How on earth am I supposed to explain that one?

POD continues to say “hello man” to everyone regardless of their sex. If you’re lucky enough to be at our house for three hours, the greeting will continue the entire time. Perhaps ‘Mr BT Man’ you should have introduced yourself by name like the vacuum cleaner repair chap did. At least POD then alternated between saying “hello man” and “hello floor”. His name was Phil.

To be fair Phil was thankful for his life after POD turned the vacuum cleaner on when he was mid-way through dismantling it. Never have I seen two adults and one toddler move so fast. Mind you who leaves an appliance plugged in? Oh yes I do. Nothing like blending blueberries and forgetting to put the lid on the blender. The result? Blueberry goo splattered across two walls and the ceiling just after it had been painted.

POD’s other new phrases this week include “I be sad”, “I be naughty” and “too boring” – the latter seemingly about the “bugby”. And the best new phrase of the week?



This post is for “Wot So Funee?”. Head over to Actually Mummy to join in too.




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  • Actually Mummy... February 3, 2013 at 2:20 pm

    Bwahgaha! GG has just collapsed on the floor in fits of giggles reading this!
    Thanks for joining in! 🙂

    • Charly Dove February 3, 2013 at 3:04 pm

      Thank you and you’re most welcome – I love Wot So Funee? It’s such a great idea. POD has excelled in the embarrassment stakes today shouting “Mummy needs wine” to everyone in Tesco!

    • Vinicius March 19, 2013 at 3:34 am

      What is it with kids and catalogues? My edlset two spent almost an hour today cutting up the Argos catalogue and sticking onto a piece of paper. Number two cried because a picture of a rug crumpled under her glue-stick. Have linked up my post for this week. Love the meme. Knowing my kids, we will be back again with another one.Troubles’ Mum recently posted..

  • Jen aka The Mad House February 6, 2013 at 12:37 pm

    Oh those toddler days! You forget so fast. Mine are more likely to answer the door to someone and say. Sorry Mummy is having a poo!