Why Christmas Day birthdays are awesome

This is a particularly nostalgic time of year. As I glance at the Christmas tree adorned with decorations from five years ago, I can’t help but smile. I remember that time so clearly, I suspect I always will. The first dump of snow arrived early December and I had to work from home for several days as we were snowed in. Two weeks later I went on maternity leave.

Although we didn’t know whether we were having a boy or a girl, we got to know POD pretty well before she appeared. We had our first scan at 5 weeks when she was just an amniotic sac. But a scan three weeks later showed she had developed into a fetal pole and, most importantly, she had a heartbeat.

We had multiple scans from then on. The most incredible one of all was an ultrasound of POD’s brain and heart cavities which took place at St Thomas’s in London. The sonographer was fascinated with what she saw and was proud to show us her organs – her heart beating away right before our eyes. POD arrived at 10:46am on Christmas Day 2010 – the same day she was due. When we arrived home, the ground was still dusted with snow. It’s a cliche I know but she will always be the best Christmas present ever.

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Mention a Christmas Day birthday however and the standard response is often the same “oh that’s rubbish, you didn’t plan that well did you?”. No we didn’t. There was zero planning involved. But if we had planned it better, we wouldn’t have got to hear the Salvation Army sing “Good King Wenceslas” outside the delivery suite would we? After 47 hours in labour, I’m quite sure that was the moment that produced some big happy tears.

Christmas Day birthdays are like any other birthday in that how good they are depends on how much effort you put in. We’ve all had uneventful birthdays at one time or another. At least on Christmas Day, you’re guaranteed to have no school (or work), oodles of fun and you can pretty much do as you please. If you think about it, it’s actually a brilliant day for a birthday! Last year POD spent most of the day dressed like a fairy accompanied by a Frozen wand and a Peppa Pig umbrella.

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Wherever we are, we like to make POD’s birthday really special. There’s always a room free of baubles and tinsel, her presents are wrapped in birthday paper and she has a proper birthday cake. POD also has an ‘un-birthday’ party in the Summer which means she has a whole day devoted to her. She gets to have the best time with all her friends, just like everyone else does. So actually if you think about it, having a Christmas Day birthday is really pretty awesome isn’t it?



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  • Cathy December 14, 2015 at 7:52 am

    Aw. So sweet. My son was the 21st Dec 2010 (5 weeks early) and the birthday close to Christmas isn’t great in my opinion, but who cares. I’m so thankful he arrived safe and sound. I remember the snow that year. It was unprecedented! It was the whitest Christmas i had ever seen. I only got out of hospital on Christmas Eve. And making that treacherous snowy journey home was scary!
    Happy birthday and Christmas to your little one!

  • Liz Burton December 14, 2015 at 4:08 pm

    Ahh you make it sound so magical. I’ve alway thought it must be rough having a Christmas birthday, but now I can see the joy in it. Happy Birthday to Pod x And I hope you all have a lovely Christmas.

  • Jen December 14, 2015 at 5:07 pm

    I am the 20th and hated it, TBH. I would have much prefered an unbirthday in Summer. I think that Christmas Day is magical though and I am sure that you make it super special. My family always tried, it was only as I got older it got a little pants, the birthday presents wrapped in christmas paper and the “joint” gifts!

  • JuggleMum, Nadine Hill December 14, 2015 at 6:47 pm

    My daughter is a Christmas Eve baby and we have always made it very special for her with a separate present for each occasion and a big fuss on her birthday. She loves December and says it is her favourite month!

    I had someone say to me once that my Christmas Eve baby was ‘bad planning’ too. I remember thinking how rude it was – a baby is a blessing no matter when they arrive. My first born is was and always will be my magical Christmas baby whom I adore and cherish…. Equally as much as my August born son. I’d take them as they are on the days they were born any day. I love that I have a Christmas baby – it really is very special.

    Happy birthday to lovely POD. May she always treasure her very special day xxx

  • Ness @ JibberJabberUK December 14, 2015 at 10:52 pm

    I know two people with Christmas Day birthdays so there must be something about the day!

  • Kate Williams December 15, 2015 at 3:11 pm

    Oh what gorgeous pictures! Out of interest, what do you do about Christmas dinner? Do you go traditional or is it all party food round yours?!

  • Mari December 15, 2015 at 8:59 pm

    Aww, Good King Wencelas, how fantastic! That’s a really positive post, I am out to dinner on Friday to celebrate a colleague whose birthday is a Christmas Day one

  • Abi - Angel Eden Blog December 16, 2015 at 11:33 am

    Sounds lovely, one of my relatives is just a couple of days after Christmas and they get the same responses about missing out

  • Mums do travel December 16, 2015 at 7:37 pm

    It sounds pretty good to me, especially the bit about never having school or work on your birthday!

  • Susan Mann December 17, 2015 at 4:26 pm

    My oldest is Christmas eve and he loves it. Like you we make it a special day with a cake and birthday presents,etc. I get the same reaction about oh what a rubbish day, but he loves it and it’s a special day just like any other day. POD is wonderful and special and she wouldn’t change her birthday I bet. Happy birthday POD xx

  • chickenruby December 19, 2015 at 4:56 am

    i love the way you leave one room free of christmas decorations, use birthday paper, have a cake and a ‘un’ birthday party in the summer. My birthday is June 26th and i love how i get presents every 6 months, however my parents didn’t plan on that any more than you planned on having a child on christmas day

  • Globalmouse December 19, 2015 at 10:59 pm

    Two birthdays? That sounds perfect. I think my kids would love to have a Christmas day birthday!! 🙂

  • Ickle Pickle December 22, 2015 at 6:47 pm

    Your photos are stunning – it must be awesome having a birthday on Christmas Day. My youngest daughters is on 10 December, exactly two weeks before Christmas Eve. Kaz x

  • Kara December 23, 2015 at 7:48 am

    I think it must be awesome to have a Christmas birthday and what amazing memories for you. Happy Birthday POD xxx

  • Little Fish December 23, 2015 at 11:53 pm

    Aw, love the idea of the ‘unbirthday’! Our son is Dec 28th, so it sort of feels like everything comes at once. Love the idea of having a ‘second birthday!’ Bad planning comments are so annoying aren’t they?! Like anyone can really plan exactly when their child will be born! And if our Christmas babies weren’t born at Christmas they they wouldn’t be the same babies! It sounds like POD’s birthday is a made to be a very special day. xx