Trolls Hug Time Bracelet & Poppy Wig

Sitting at the cinema a while back we saw a trailer for the DreamWorks animation the Trolls. What made it particularly poignant were the words “right outside my door lurks a nightmare. Named Poppy”. It made us all fall about laughing to discover POD shared her name with the leader of the trolls. We’ve watched the Trolls trailer many times since and we’re always singing the “Can’t stop the feeling” title track.

Trolls (see the trailer here) is a comedy, from the creators of Shrek, about the search for happiness and how far some will go to get it. The story focuses on the insanely happy Poppy who regularly has troll village dancing and singing along with her. Until the day they’re attacked by the Bergens who believe true happiness can only be achieved with trolls in their tummies.

POD finally got to see the Trolls this weekend and she absolutely loved it. We all did in fact, it’s such a great feel good movie with a superb soundtrack too. Do go and see it if you haven’t already, it will make you smile from ear to ear. There are many things that make this film memorable – like the big hair and “hug time” bracelets the Trolls wear. Just Play has come up with a great solution to bringing the happiness of the Trolls into your own home. Designed for girls aged 4+, the Trolls Hug Time Bracelet (£9.99) and the Trolls Poppy Wig (£12.99) enable children to become Poppy themselves.



POD is not one to shy away from dressing up and the Poppy Wig provided her with the perfect platform to get into character. The bright pink wig suited her surprisingly well although it was weird for both of us at first. Not because it was pink but because POD has never had a fringe! It’s a great replica of the real thing – it even includes Poppy’s headband of flowers too. When you see the film you’ll appreciate how important it is to have the right Troll hair and Just Play have got it spot on. We might need to ruffle it up a bit but the shape and colour are totally right. It’s superb for role play and we laughed a lot in the process as well.



In the Trolls animation, “Hug Time” takes place every hour (there’s lots of singing and dancing too by the way). The Hug Time Bracelet replicates what you see in the movie. Featuring Poppy and Branch, the film’s two leading characters on the front, POD can hear “it’s hug time” at the press of a button. There are lights and sounds too although we totally used it as an excuse for even more hugs than usual. Having both the wig and the bracelet was brilliant though as it meant POD could really get into character.




Of course you don’t need to see the film to enjoy the Trolls Poppy Wig and Trolls Hug Time Bracelet, imagination is a wonderful thing especially at this age. POD loved the Trolls before the film and she’s even more of a fan now. The Trolls bracelet has even become a permanent fixture so she can get into character in an instant and have hugs whenever she wants them. We’re going to have a great deal of fun with the Poppy Wig and bracelet, I can tell. I wonder if they do adult versions?



Disclaimer: We received The Trolls Hug Time Bracelet and Poppy Wig for the purposes of this review. Opinions are as always our own. You can purchase the Poppy Wig and Hug Time Bracelet from Argos

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  • Susan Mann November 3, 2016 at 1:25 pm

    Aww how cute is this. Must get it for A for her Christmas. She’s become obsessed with Poppy and hasn’t even seen Trolls yet. POD looks so cute in the wig. I think the colour really suits her. xx