Springtime at Bocketts Farm Park

Yes I know spring is over and summer is well and truly here (we even have a paddling pool in the garden!) but I had to share these photographs from a trip to Bocketts Farm Park though. It’s a working farm and we always love it there but springtime is just a little bit special. Little did we know we’d end up seeing quite so much or that six year old POD would be so taken with a lamb she asked to bring it home!

Bocketts Farm Park is a working family farm situated near Leatherhead in Surrey. Amazingly it’s celebrating its 25th birthday this year which really is quite something. We’ve been going there since POD was small so we’ve seen how it’s grown and she always has a good time. Bocketts Farm Park is open all year round and there’s more than enough to occupy the kids for an entire day too. We mainly go for the animals but POD also enjoys the adventure play areas, pony riding and if it’s nice, having a picnic. There are lots of activities both indoors and out so you can escape from the showers if the weather isn’t playing ball. There is also pig racing which if you’ve not been to Bocketts Farm Park before you really have to see!

We opted for The Big Animal Barn first as POD was keen to find some animals to feed. There we were thrilled to discover not just lambs but piglets, a calf and acria (baby alpaca) had arrived too. You can purchase food at the entrance of Bocketts Farm Park and thankfully we’d bought two bags, POD has a habit of spilling animal feed!

Once we were done in The Big Animal Barn, we washed our hands and headed next door in the hope of holding a lamb. POD was really keen to hold one and did so well waiting until it was her turn. There were plenty of sheep to keep her occupied though and she likes finding out what each one is called and how long its been on the farm for. She got to hold a little black lamb first which was just adorable before finding a favourite. Never have I seen her look so happy! She went off the idea of asking for a puppy while we were there and requested a lamb instead – highlighting what a great pet it would be. Next up was Little Hoppington where she got to stroke a chick, a goat and a rabbit. This area of the farm has lots of small animals to look at so it’s always a hit.

Originally we’d aimed to head to the pony rides first but having spent so long with the animals, we missed the window. POD is not the best at queuing and there was a half an hour wait so we’ll do that next time. Instead we decided to explore more of the Bocketts Farm Park which seems to expand every time we go. Rather than take the tractor round, we opted to wander round the Farm Walk to see some of the larger animals including the magnificent deer herd. Much to POD’s delight we found more lambs and a turkey which POD thought was the most hilarious creature she’d ever seen! Finally we paid the donkeys, ponies, horses and hens a visit before heading home. Springtime is all about the animals at Bocketts Farm Park that’s for sure. What a superb time we had and POD loved seeing all the babies.

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