New Mattessons Double Dippers

Running a business full-time and parenting a toddler often means I’m short on time. Although we usually have a healthy meal in the evening, lunchtime is more of a grab what you can affair. It might involve a short walk to the shop for a sandwich and crisps or on especially busy days toast or cereal.

It seems I’m not alone. According to a recent survey, busy lifestyles have resulted in traditional meal times being a thing of the past. We’re often skipping meals or turning to unhealthy snacks to tide ourselves over – more than 50% of women have a mid-afternoon energy crash around 3-4pm. This will be the time I’ll crave chocolate if I’ve not had a proper lunch.

Frequent smaller meals now seem to suit our busy lifestyle better – over half of us hardly ever eat three meals a day. We also tend to snack on the go too regardless of whether we’re at our desk, walking or travelling.

With this in mind, there’s definitely growing consumer demand for healthier alternatives that have the nutritional value but require little effort. Mattessons’ Double Dippers have satisfied this demand with a new high protein snack. This healthy, tasty option comprises of 100% chicken breast and with less than 190 calories per pack.


Each pack contains marinated natural chunks of chicken breast and two dips – one of which is creamy and the other crunchy. You just dip the marinated chunks of chicken in the creamy sauce and then the toasted crumbs. Each pack of Double Dippers contains a fork so you can eat them straight out of the packet or grab a plate. What’s important is that you don’t need to stop what you’re doing and you’re eating a much healthier snack.


Double Dippers are available in four flavour variants – Classic with a creamy dip, Thai with a sweet chilli dip, Italian with a tomato and basil dip and Tikka with a smooth mint yoghurt dip. Having tried them all, my favourite was the Italian although my husband preferred the Thai.

Double Dippers are available now and stocked in Asda and Tesco. They retail at £1.59 mark and there’s a downloadable 25p off voucher available here.

An infographic of the Mattessons snacking survey results is below if you fancy a nose.

PODcast - Mattessons infographic

Disclaimer: We received a selection of Mattessons Double Dippers for this review along with payment. Opinions are our own.

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