Make magic with the Portable North Pole

This is the first year we’ve participated in the Portable North Pole (PNP) and we’re already huge fans. POD on the cusp of turning five and still believes in Father Christmas but it’s great to keep the magic alive by creating something special. If you’re not familiar with the concept, PNP is a magic console used by Father Christmas and his elves that enables you to send carefully crafted videos to loved ones.

As POD’s fifth birthday is on 25th December we opted for Christmas and birthday greetings – she’ll be so pleased to see an elf choir singing Happy Birthday to her! There are free PNP videos available (with 5 personalisations to choose from) although the Gold Pass is brilliant as it offers so much choice. Included in the bundle are unlimited videos (15 personalisations available for each!), unlimited calls and unlimited HD downloads. It means we can make magic and encourage better behaviour through the subtle messaging available.

PODcast - Portable North PoleOne of our biggest challenges with POD at the moment is getting her to sleep before 10pm! So we thought we’d put PNP to the test with a surprise call from Father Christmas today – she was thrilled to receive it! POD took on board everything he said even when he casually mentioned she should listen to her parents! We’ve got a second call scheduled and we’ve also created POD’s first video which focuses on visiting an elf’s house. The video is quick and easy to produce and the quality is excellent. The personalisations available with the Gold Pass are fantastic. It’s great value at £9.99 with PNP donating 5% of the proceeds to 40 children’s charities world wide as well.

How does PNP work? 

Amazingly you can create your own personalised PNP video in just a few clicks. With the Gold Pass you get more facetime with Father Christmas, the extra personalisation options plus the ability to include more photos and scenes from his village. A nice, almost nice or naughty verdict can be incorporated as well – the latter isn’t available on the free version.

There are 7 films to choose from – visit an elf house, tour the post office (taster below), a song just for you, secret places, Christmas Eve, movie star and premium birthday. Each of the videos is 5 minutes in length with Christmas Eve and the premium birthday message shorter.

We selected visit an elf house as POD’s first video but we’re actually doing a few to build up the excitement. No doubt it will be at fever pitch before too long. To create a video all we had to do was add her details (first name, photo, sex, age), a bit about her daily life and whether she’d been nice, almost nice or naughty. We opted for ‘almost nice’ to encourage POD to sleep earlier and progress onto the nice list – which she will of course! Then we added a couple of her friends and that was it. The video took less than five minutes to create (including photo uploads) and once finished we emailed it so it’s all ready to go. We can also download the HD version as many times as we like.

PODcast PNP collage

Calls take no time at all to create and they’re so worthwhile, the look on POD’s face was just priceless! Further content such as online games, birthday and Christmas Eve messages are available as well with PNP greeting cards available from Tesco. These can be sent with a special personalised video message which is accessed by a unique code. Head over to the PNP website for more information. You can also follow them on Facebook, TwitterYouTube and Google+.

Disclaimer: We received PNP Gold Pass bundle for the purpose of this review. Opinions are as always our own. 

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  • Ruthy @ Minibreak Mummy December 5, 2015 at 5:53 pm

    Lovely photos and such pretty wings! Watched the video too – I love the letters flying into the pigeon holes!

  • Charlotte Braithwaite December 5, 2015 at 6:46 pm

    Ive never heard of the PNP sounds genius!
    Heading over to their site now to read more.
    Thanks so much for sharing Charly
    Charlotte x

  • Sarah Bailey December 5, 2015 at 7:17 pm

    Oh what a fun sounding thing to do and a great way to get into the Christmas spirit. x

  • Globalmouse December 5, 2015 at 10:14 pm

    We love Portable North Pole – we haven’t used it for a couple of years but this makes me want to do it again! I remember it being brilliant.

  • Alice Project: Wanderlust December 6, 2015 at 9:05 am

    This looks great….will add some real magic to the girls Christmas. Thanks for the heads up x

  • Liska @NewMumOnline December 6, 2015 at 6:52 pm

    I was lucky enough to review PNP in 2013 and Aaron adored it. After participating in the Twitter party the other day, I created the free video, and his face was a picture when he watched it. Videos and calls from the big man in red are such a great idea to jazz up the festive spirit and the subtle messaging about behaviour is a really welcome feature as they do take it onboard.
    Liska @NewMumOnline xxx
    P.S. your photos are stunning.

  • Ness @ JibberJabberUK December 7, 2015 at 7:35 am

    My daughter doesn’t want to say that she doesn’t believe but I think she would love this and be amazed!

  • Stephen December 7, 2015 at 10:27 am

    These are brilliant, my niece and nephew got one and their face was a delight to see.

  • Mums do travel December 7, 2015 at 4:38 pm

    This sounds amazing, what a brilliant idea!

  • Sonia December 7, 2015 at 8:44 pm

    Your photos are so beautiful!!! Really Christmassy and happy :O) Going to check out PNP this year x

  • Kizzy December 8, 2015 at 4:54 am

    We usually send the kids one each year, not done it yet this year so thanks for the reminder

  • Kara December 8, 2015 at 6:32 am

    POD looks like she is having so much fun. I have given up trying to get mine to work :0(

  • oana79 December 10, 2015 at 4:24 pm

    Sounds like a great way to create or, with slightly older children, retain that Christmas magic feeling. I will look into it as Emma has started questioning Santa’s existence already!xx

  • Ickle Pickle December 18, 2015 at 8:17 pm

    This looks so wonderful – I am off to join now, Pickle will love it. Kaz x

  • Lucy Dorrington January 15, 2016 at 6:24 pm

    I’ve discovered this a bit late for Luke, it’s such a lovely idea for younger children.